If/then style question

Jean-Michel Pichavant jeanmichel at sequans.com
Fri Dec 17 08:22:35 EST 2010

John Gordon wrote:
> (This is mostly a style question, and perhaps one that has already been
> discussed elsewhere.  If so, a pointer to that discussion will be
> appreciated!)
> When I started learning Python, I wrote a lot of methods that looked like
> this:
>   def myMethod(self, arg1, arg2):
>     if some_good_condition:
>       if some_other_good_condition:
>         if yet_another_good_condition:
>           do_some_useful_stuff()
>           exitCode = good1
>         else:
>           exitCode = bad3
>       else:
>         exitCode = bad2
>     else:
>       exitCode = bad1
>     return exitCode
> But lately I've been preferring this style:
>   def myMethod(self, arg1, arg2):
>     if some_bad_condition:
>       return bad1
>     elif some_other_bad_condition:
>       return bad2
>     elif yet_another_bad_condition:
>       return bad3
>     do_some_useful_stuff()
>     return good1
> I like this style more, mostly because it eliminates a lot of indentation.
> However I recall one of my college CS courses stating that "one entry,
> one exit" was a good way to write code, and this style has lots of exits.
> Are there any concrete advantages of one style over the other?
> Thanks.

What about,

def myMethod():
    for condition, exitCode in [
            (cond1, 'error1'),
            (cond2, 'very bad error'),
        if not condition:
       do_some_usefull_stuff() # executed only if the we never hit the 
break statement.
       exitCode = good1

    return exitCode

This version uses the 'for ... else' statement. You can easily add 
conditions by simply adding a line in the list, that's it.
Note that this code uses a shadow declaration of exitCode in the for 
loop. If you're not comfortable with that, you'll have to use a properly 
'declared' variable retCode and write retCode = exitCode before 
breaking. Actually I would advise to do so.


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