To Thread or not to Thread....?
James Mills
prologic at
Wed Dec 1 08:48:38 EST 2010
Surely I2C is just a serial-like interface
and one should be able to do async I/O on it ?
The use of threads is not necessary here and the GIL
doesn't become a problem in async I/O anyway.
I only use threads for operating that might block (not for I/O).
On Wed, Dec 1, 2010 at 7:24 PM, Antoine Pitrou <solipsis at> wrote:
> On Wed, 1 Dec 2010 02:45:50 +0000
> Jack Keegan <whatsjacksemail at> wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> I'm currently writing an application to control and take measurements during
>> an experiments. This is to be done on an embedded computer running XPe so I
>> am happy to have python available, although I am pretty new to it.
>> The application basically runs as a state machine, which transitions through
>> it's states based on inputs read in from a set of general purpose
>> input/output (GPIO) lines. So when a certain line is pulled low/high, do
>> something and move to another state. All good so far and since I get through
>> main loop pretty quickly, I can just do a read of the GPIO lines on each
>> pass through the loop and respond accordingly.
>> However, in one of the states I have to start reading in, and storing frames
>> from a camera. In another, I have to start reading accelerometer data from
>> an I2C bus (which operates at 400kHz). I haven't implemented either yet but
>> I would imagine that, in the case of the camera data, reading a frame would
>> take a large amount of time as compared to other operations. Therefore, if I
>> just tried to read one (or one set of) frames on each pass through the loop
>> then I would hold up the rest of the application. Conversely, as the I2C bus
>> will need to be read at such a high rate, I may not be able to get the
>> required data rate I need even without the camera data. This naturally leads
>> me to think I need to use threads.
>> As I am no expert in either I2C, cameras, python or threading I thought I
>> would chance asking for some advice on the subject. Do you think I need
>> threads here or would I be better off using some other method. I was
>> previously toying with the idea of using generators to create weightless
>> threads (as detailed in
>> for reading the
>> GPIOs. Do you think this would work in this situation?
> The main question IMO: the I2C bus operates at 400kHz, but how much
> received data can it buffer? That will give you a hint as to how much
> latency you can tolerate.
> I don't think soft threads would work at all, since they wouldn't allow
> overlapping between frame reading and other ops. If frame reading
> releases the GIL (as any properly implemented IO primitive in Python
> should), then at least you can try using OS threads.
> Then, depending on the tolerable latency for I2C operation, you can try
> to run it as an OS thread, or a separate process (if running as a
> separate process, make sure it cannot block while sending IO to the
> master process).
> Regards
> Antoine.
> --
-- James Mills
-- "Problems are solved by method"
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