Comparison with False - something I don't understand

Aahz aahz at
Thu Dec 2 20:33:47 EST 2010

In article <mailman.143.1291301807.2649.python-list at>,
Harishankar  <v.harishankar at> wrote:
>There are some reasons why I hate exceptions but that is a different 
>topic. However, in short I can say that personally:
>1. I hate try blocks which add complexity to the code when none is 
>needed. Try blocks make code much more unreadable in my view and I use it 
>only for the built-in exceptions when absolutely needed.
>2. I prefer the less irksome True or False to do error checking. 
>Exceptions seem too heavyweight for simple problems.

Please demonstrate that using ``if`` blocks for True/False is impler and
cleaner than using ``try`` blocks to handle exceptions.
Aahz (aahz at           <*>

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