array and strings in Python 3
Chris Rebert
clp2 at
Sat Dec 11 20:48:27 EST 2010
On Sat, Dec 11, 2010 at 5:32 PM, wander.lairson
<wander.lairson at> wrote:
> Hello,
> This is my first post on python mailing list. I've working in code
> which must run on python 2 and python 3. I am using array.array as
> data buffers. I am stuck with the following code line, which works on
> Python 2, but not on Python 3.1.2:
>>>> import array
>>>> array.array('B', 'test')
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
> TypeError: an integer is required
> According to Python 3 documentation (as far as I understood it), it
> should work.
I think you forgot to keep in mind the changes in bytes vs. unicode in
Python 3 when reading the docs.
> Again, no problem on Python 2. I've googled for people
> with similar problems, but got nothing. Does anyone have an idea what
> could I be doing wrong?
Recall that string handling changed incompatibly between Python 2 and
Python 3. Your 'test' was a bytestring in Python 2 but is now a
*Unicode string* in Python 3.
The `array` module's handling of strings changed as well. Reading the
Python 3 docs @ , we
find (all emphases added):
class array.array(typecode[, initializer])
If given a list or string, the initializer is passed to the new
array’s fromlist(), frombytes(), or **fromunicode()** method (see
below) to add initial items to the array. Otherwise, the iterable
initializer is passed to the extend() method.
Extends this array with data from the given unicode string. The
array **must be a type 'u' array**; **otherwise a ValueError is
raised**. Use array.frombytes(unicodestring.encode(enc)) to append
Unicode data to an array of some other type.
Since your array's typecode is not 'u', you're getting a ValueError
just like the docs say.
Try using a bytestring instead:
array.array('B', b"test") # Note the b prefix
Incidentally, if you ran 2to3 over your code and weren't warned about
this change in the array module, then that's probably a bug in 2to3
which ought to be reported:
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