Regular expression for "key = value" pairs
Mark Wooding
mdw at
Wed Dec 22 11:53:43 EST 2010
Ciccio <franapoli at> writes:
> suppose I have:
> s='a=b, c=d'
> and I want to extract sub-strings a,b,c and d from s (and in general
> from any longer list of such comma separated pairs).
> In [12]: re.findall(r'(.+)=(.+)', s)
> Out[12]: [('a=b, c', 'd')]
I think there are two logically separate jobs here: firstly, extracting
the comma-separated pairs, and secondly parsing the individual pairs.
If you want the extra problem of dealing with regular expressions, this
seems to be the way to do it.
R_PAIR = re.compile(r'''
''', re.X)
def parse_pair(pair):
m = R_PAIR.match(pair)
if not m:
raise ValueError, 'not a `KEY = VALUE\' pair'
return m.groups([1, 2])
The former is even easier.
R_COMMA = re.compile(r'\s*,\s*')
kvs = [parse_pair(p) for p in R_COMMA.split(string)]
Apply gold-plating to taste.
But actually, it's much easier to avoid messing with regular expressions
at all.
def parse_pair(pair):
eq = pair.index('=')
return pair[:eq].strip(), pair[eq + 1:].strip()
kvs = [parse_pair(p) for p in string.split(',')]
-- [mdw]
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