How can a function find the function that called it?
kj at
Fri Dec 24 13:43:06 EST 2010
In <mailman.272.1293215190.6505.python-list at> Daniel Urban <urban.dani at> writes:
>On Fri, Dec 24, 2010 at 17:24, kj < at> wrote:
>> (BTW, I don't understand why inspect doesn't provide something as
>> basic as the *class* that the method belongs to, whenever applicable.
>> I imagine there's a good reason for this coyness, but I can't figure
>> it out.)
>One function object can "belong to" (be in the namespace of) more than
>one class, so there is no "the class".
There are many other properties that inspect reports on (e.g.
filename) that may not apply to an individual case. For 99.9% of
methods, the class in which it was lexically defined would be good
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