Python - NAWIT / Community
flebber.crue at
Tue Dec 28 06:29:26 EST 2010
On Dec 28, 10:24 pm, flebber <flebber.c... at> wrote:
> On Dec 28, 10:16 pm, Adam Tauno Williams <awill... at>
> wrote:
> > On Tue, 2010-12-28 at 02:26 -0800, flebber wrote:
> > > Can't help thinking they open sourced Pydev so they could bench it.
> > So? That isn't uncommon at all; to Open Source when you've moved on.
> > > I started thinking that the only consistent env each python person has
> > > is idle as it ships in the install.
> > There is a plethora of Python IDE's [personally I use Monodevelop, which
> > supports Python, and is fast and stable].
> > > Sometimes we can contribute with money and sometimes with time, if I
> > > was to contribute money to ensure that I and all new coming python
> > > programmers could have a first class development environment to use
> > > what would I donate to? At the moment no particular group seems
> > > applicable.
> > Many projects accept donations via PayPal. Sourceforge supports this.
> > > Is pydev actively being developed and for who? SPE is a great idea but
> > > is Stan still developing? Pyscripter is good but not 64 capable. Plus
> > > none of these projects seem community centric.
> > Why not just check the repo and see the real answer for yourself? It is
> > Open Source after all.
> > <>
> > > Maybe its just my wish, maybe something already exists, but to my mind
> > > why is there not a central python community ide or plugin setup like
> > > pydev or using pydev(since currently it is very good - to me), which I
> > > know or at least could confidently donate time or money to further
> > > python.
> > You could checkout the code of any Python IDE and hack on it.
> > > I think a community plugin architecture which contained components
> > > like pydev, pyscripter, eclipse and eggs/pypm packages would give a
> > > place I can contribute time as my skills grow and confidently donate
> > > money knowing I am assisting the development of community tools and
> > > packages we all can use.
> > So just do it.
> Yes you can answer questions, but have you really? Your answer seems
> to be things are open source so who cares about community.
> > Many projects accept donations via PayPal. Sourceforge supports this.
> Of course any fool can throw his/her money away thats no challenge why
> even use Paypal, I could have fun and by 10 bottles of vino and hand
> them out to recovering alcoholics.
> Don't answer things just for the sake of it, if you have nothing
> producive to say about furthering python and its community then say
> that.
My apologise I didn't mean to be that aggressive.
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