PyUSB 1.0.0 alpha 1 release
wander.lairson at
Wed Dec 29 13:18:35 EST 2010
Dear all,
PyUSB 1.0.0 alpha 1 is out. Since alpha 0, this version :
- Standard control requests through usb.control module.
- String descriptors through usb.util module.
- Complete PyUSB 0.4 API emulation.
- Working libusb 1.0 support under Windows.
For details check the ReleaseNotes.txt and ChangeLog files.
This version can be download through sourceforge:
For further information about PyUSB visit the project website:
Best Regards,
Wander Lairson Costa
LCoN - Laboratório de Computação Natural - Natural Computing Laboratory
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Elétrica (PPGEE)
Faculdade de Computação e Informática (FCI)
Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie - SP - Brazil
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