Adding methods from one class to another, dynamically
Carl Banks
pavlovevidence at
Mon Feb 1 15:45:03 EST 2010
On Feb 1, 12:06 pm, Oltmans <rolf.oltm... at> wrote:
> Hello Python gurus,
> I'm quite new when it comes to Python so I will appreciate any help.
> Here is what I'm trying to do. I've two classes like below
> import new
> import unittest
> class test(unittest.TestCase):
> def test_first(self):
> print 'first test'
> def test_second(self):
> print 'second test'
> def test_third(self):
> print 'third test'
> class tee(unittest.TestCase):
> pass
> and I want to attach all test methods of 'test'(i.e. test_first(),
> test_second() and test_third()) class to 'tee' class.
Simplest way:
class tee(test):
To do it dynamically the following might work:
class tee(unittest.TestCase):
tee.__bases__ = (test,)
tee.__bases__ = (test2,) # dynamically reassign base
> So I'm trying to
> do something like
> if __name__=="__main__":
> for name,func in inspect.getmembers(test,inspect.ismethod):
> if name.find('test_')!= -1:
> = new.instancemethod(func,None,tee)
> after doing above when I run this statement
> print dirs(tee)
> I don't see test_first(), test_second() and test_third() attached to
> class 'tee'. Any ideas, on how can I attach methods of class 'test' to
> class 'tee' dynamically? Any help is highly appreciated.
If you want to do it this way--and I recommend regular inheritance if
you can--this is how:
for x in dir(test): # or inspect.getmembers
if x.startswith('test_'):
method = getattr(test,x)
function = method.im_func
The business with method.im_func is because in Python 2.x the getattr
on a class will actually returns an unbound method, so you have to get
at the actual function object with im_func. In Python 3 this is not
Carl Banks
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