python admin abuse complaint
Steve Holden
steve at
Thu Feb 4 21:09:47 EST 2010
Stephen Thorne wrote:
> On Feb 5, 9:02 am, Steve Holden <st... at> wrote:
>>> • The list of ban'd person's names, the reason for banning, and the
>>> name of admin who ban'd them, should be public. (irc already provides
>>> means for this that allows admins to annotate in the ban list.) In
>>> particular, if you are going to ban someone by ip address, make sure
>>> the person's handle (or preferably real life name), be listed together
>>> with it. (again, this needs not elaborate. A single sentence will do,
>>> e.g. “repeatedly asking same question”, “continously raising
>>> controversial issues”, “refused to use paste bin when requested” will
>>> do. Again, be as precise in description as possible. For example,
>>> “ban'd for trolling”, “annoying others”, are not a meaningful reason.)
>> This is perhaps a little formal for something that (as far as I know)
>> happens less than once a month. I am reluctant to start up any kind of
>> bureaucracy around bannings unless they become too frequent (in which
>> case your suggestions above seem reasonable).
> The current banlist lists 258 names. According to my logs there have
> been 95 masks added to this list and 44 removals since October. This
> is approximately 23 a month, or 3 every 4 days. 11 ops were active in
> this action during this period.
> For reference, this is the 4th largest IRC channel on freenode
> according to
> and the other large channels weigh in with 298 (gentoo), 9
> (archlinux), 14 (##C++), 280 (#ubuntu), 109 (#debian).
> We are hardly exceptional in the size of our list of people we have
> excluded from the IRC community.
> On discussion with #archlinux it seems that the reason archlinux has
> so few on their list is because they use chanserv's AKICK feature,
> which means the name isn't kept in the IRC client accessable banlist,
> and is only put there temporarily when the excluded user returns by
> chanserv.
Thanks, Stephen.
It's fairly obvious I am not an active IRC user, isn't it?
Steve Holden +1 571 484 6266 +1 800 494 3119
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