Import question
Gabriel Genellina
gagsl-py2 at
Mon Feb 8 14:21:15 EST 2010
En Mon, 08 Feb 2010 06:37:53 -0300, Andrew Degtiariov
<andrew.degtiariov at> escribió:
> 2010/2/6 Gabriel Genellina <gagsl-py2 at>
>> En Fri, 05 Feb 2010 13:21:47 -0300, Andrew Degtiariov
>> <andrew.degtiariov at> escribió:
>>> Code of our project has split into several packages and we deploy the
>>> project using buildout.
>>> All worked fine until I need to dynamically inspect python modules.
>> Entirely by luck, I'd say :)
>> ├───project.api.config
>>> │ ├───project
>>> │ │ └───api
>>> │ │ └───config
>>> │ │ └───settings
>>> │ └───project.api.config.egg-info
>>> ├───project.api.contacts
>>> │ ├───project
>>> │ │ └───api
>>> │ │ └───contacts
>>> │ │ ├───importer
>>> │ │ └───views
>>> │ └───project.api.contacts.egg-info
> If someone is interesting - __import__ works but imp doesn't.
> In my example:
>>>> m = __import__('project.api.config')
>>>> m
> <module 'project from
> 'c:\users\ad\project\src\project.api.contacts\project\__init__.pyc'>
>>>> m.api
> <module 'project.api from
> 'c:\users\ad\project\src\project.api.contacts\project\api\__init__.pyc'>
>>>> m.api.config
> <module 'project.api.config'
> from'c:\users\ad\project\src\project.api.config\project\api\config\__init__.pyc'>
> Please note that the m and m.api pointed to first installing package with
> namespace project.api but m.api.config have pointed to the proper file.
> And releasing code with several distributions it is one of goals of
> Distribute. And you might look to pypi for... zope. There is lot of
> package
> which names starts from "zope."
> It's really convenient
Those are called namespace packages. Zope and Plone (ab)use them
extensively. The intended usage is to break up a big, monolithic package
[0] in parts that can be distributed independently. To implement a
namespace package, you need an empty file with only these
lines [1]:
from pkgutil import extend_path
__path__ = extend_path(__path__, __name__)
But think carefully if you really need namespace packages; they solve a
specific problem, aren't a general purpose technique. See [2] for a
[0] Think of a huge behemoth with a "Z O P E" sign on both sides :)
Gabriel Genellina
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