Executing a command from within python using the subprocess module
Alf P. Steinbach
alfps at start.no
Mon Feb 15 07:44:32 EST 2010
* R (Chandra) Chandrasekhar:
> width = 5
> height = 30
> colors = ['#abcdef]', '#456789']
> filename = "/tmp/image.png"
> # I want to get the equivalent of variable interpolation in Perl
> # so that the command
> #
> # convert -size 5x30 gradient:#abcdef-#456789 /tmp/image.png
> #
> # is derived from the variables above
Assuming that the extra right square bracket in 'colors' is a typo, here's one way:
s = "convert -size {w}x{h} gradient:{g1}-{g2} {f}".format(
w = width, h = height, g1 = colors[0], g2 = colors[1], f = filename
Cheers & hth.,
- ALf
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