listing existing windows services with python
Alf P. Steinbach
alfps at
Mon Feb 15 22:28:25 EST 2010
* alex23:
> News123 <news... at> wrote:
>> What is the best way with python to get a list of all windows services.
>> As a start I would be glad to receive only the service names.
>> However it would be nicer if I could get all the properties of a service
>> as well.
> I highly recommend Tim Golden's fantastic WMI module[1].
It's probably Very Good, but one Microsoft-thing one should be aware of: using
WMI functionality generally starts up a background WMI service...
Similarly, starting the standard clipboard viewer (discontinued in Windows
Vista) starts up a silly copy-clipboard-contents-over-network service.
On a low-range machine the WMI service can be a resource concern.
I don't know whether the WMI service is a security concern (it probably is,
considering IIS and anything Microsoft+Network and that WMI is meant to
administrate machines over network, it's an enterprise thing not a personal
computer user thing), but the clipboard service is, as I recall, a concern.
> >>> import wmi
> >>> c = wmi.WMI()
> >>> services = c.Win32_Service()
> >>> s = services[0]
> >>> s
> <_wmi_object: \\LIB-D5NYF1S\root
> \cimv2:Win32_Service.Name="Alerter">
> >>>
> {u'DisplayName': None, u'ServiceSpecificExitCode': None, u'State':
> None, u'Syste
> mName': None, u'ErrorControl': None, u'Status': None,
> u'ProcessId': None, u'Desc
> ription': None, u'Started': None, u'AcceptStop': None,
> u'CheckPoint': None, u'Pa
> thName': None, u'WaitHint': None, u'Name': None, u'InstallDate':
> None, u'Caption
> ': None, u'StartMode': None, u'DesktopInteract': None,
> u'ServiceType': None, u'T
> agId': None, u'StartName': None, u'AcceptPause': None,
> u'CreationClassName': Non
> e, u'SystemCreationClassName': None, u'ExitCode': None}
> >>> s.Name
> u'Alerter'
> >>> s.Started
> False
> >>> s.ServiceType
> u'Share Process'
> 1:
- Alf
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