Traversing through variable-sized lists
Peter Otten
__peter__ at
Wed Feb 17 14:27:41 EST 2010
Andrej Mitrovic wrote:
> Hi,
> I couldn't figure out a better description for the Subject line, but
> anyway, I have the following:
> _num_frames = 32
> _frames = range(0, _num_frames) # This is a list of actual objects,
> I'm just pseudocoding here.
> _values = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
> I want to call a function of _frames for each frame with a _values
> argument, but in a way to "spread out" the actual values.
> I would want something similar to the following to be called:
> _frames[0].func(_values[0])
> _frames[1].func(_values[0])
> _frames[2].func(_values[0])
> _frames[3].func(_values[0])
> _frames[4].func(_values[1])
> _frames[5].func(_values[1])
> _frames[6].func(_values[1])
> _frames[7].func(_values[1])
> _frames[8].func(_values[2])
> ...etc...
> Both the _values list and _frames list can be of variable and uneven
> size, which is what is giving me the problems. I'm using Python 2.6.
> I've tried the following workaround, but it often gives me inaccurate
> results (due to integer division), so I had to add a safety check:
> num_frames = 32
> values = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
> offset_step = num_frames / len(values)
> for index in xrange(0, num_frames):
> offset = index / offset_step
> if offset > offset_values[-1]:
> offset = offset_values[-1]
> frames[index].func(values[offset])
> There has to be a better way to do this. I'd appreciate any help.
> Cheers!
I tried to apply's_line_algorithm
on the problem:
def bresenham(xitems, yitems):
x1 = len(xitems)
y1 = len(yitems)
assert y1 <= x1
assert x1 > 0
deltax = x1-1
deltay = y1-1
error = deltax // 2
yitems = iter(yitems)
y = next(yitems)
for x in xitems:
yield x, y
error -= deltay
if error < 0:
y = next(yitems)
error += deltax
if __name__ == "__main__":
def make_f(i):
def f(v):
return "%d --> %s" % (i, v)
return f
functions = [make_f(i) for i in range(11)]
values = ["b%s" % k for k in range(5)]
for f, v in bresenham(functions, values):
print f(v)
The implementation is derived from the code on the wikipedia page and
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