Upgrading Py2exe App
misceverything at gmail.com
Fri Feb 19 14:08:53 EST 2010
On Feb 18, 7:19 pm, Ryan Kelly <r... at rfk.id.au> wrote:
> On Thu, 2010-02-18 at 07:46 -0800, T wrote:
> > I have a Python app which I converted to an EXE (all files separate;
> > single EXE didn't work properly) via py2exe - I plan on distributing
> > this and would like the ability to remotely upgrade the program (for
> > example, via HTTP/HTTPS). Looks like it's not just the EXE that I
> > will need need to replace (DLLs, the library.zip, etc.). What would
> > be the best way to go about doing this?
> I've been working on an auto-update framework for my own frozen apps,
> you might find it useful:
> http://pypi.python.org/pypi/esky
> Docs are a little scarce at the moment, the next release will hopefully
> come with a short tutorial (as well as support for cx_freeze and maybe
> py2app, depending on how adventurous I'm feeling).
> Cheers,
> Ryan
> --
> Ryan Kellyhttp://www.rfk.id.au | This message is digitally signed. Please visit
> r... at rfk.id.au | http://www.rfk.id.au/ramblings/gpg/for details
> signature.asc
> < 1KViewDownload
Thanks Ryan..this looks like it could be what I'm looking for, but I'm
still a bit unsure of how exactly how it works. Do you happen to have
an idea approx when the next release w/ tutorial will be out?
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