Capturing errors raised by other scripts ?
python at
Fri Feb 19 22:13:10 EST 2010
northof40 wrote:
> I'm using the subroutine module to run run python script from
> (this is on windows fwiw).
> is not my script and it may raise arbitary errors before exiting.
> How can I determine what's happened before exited ?
> To simulate this I've got this script (which is meant to simulate
> class customError(Exception):
> def __init__(self, value):
> self.value = value
> def __str__(self):
> return repr(self.value)
> try:
> raise customError(2*2)
> except customError as e:
> print 'Custom exception occurred, value:', e.value
> I then run my like this :
>>>> fdOut, fOut = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.txt', prefix='AOut-')
>>>> fdErr, fErr = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.txt', prefix='AErr-')
>>>> try:
> ... pathtojob="python.exe"
> ... p = subprocess.Popen(pathtojob, stderr=fdErr, stdout=fdOut)
> ... except:
> ... print "bad stuff happened"
> ...
> When I do this I the exception handler is not fired and the text
> "Custom exception occurred, value: 4" ends up in the stdout file.
> I'd really like it to end up in stderr because then I could say
> "anything in stderr ? then ignore the output and flag an error".
> I don't want to have to parse the stdout for error like messages and I
> can't make changes to
> I'm sure there's a better way to do this - can anyone offer some
> advice ?
> thanks
> is printing the error message.
The 'print' statement prints to stdout unless you direct it elsewhere
with '>>', for example:
print >> my_file, 'message'
If you don't want error messages to go to stdout, then don't print them
to stdout, it's as simple as that!
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