Dictionary or Database—Please advise
mrkafk at gmail.com
Fri Feb 26 13:04:27 EST 2010
Jeremy wrote:
> I have lots of data that I currently store in dictionaries. However,
> the memory requirements are becoming a problem. I am considering
> using a database of some sorts instead, but I have never used them
> before. Would a database be more memory efficient than a dictionary?
> I also need platform independence without having to install a database
> and Python interface on all the platforms I'll be using. Is there
> something built-in to Python that will allow me to do this?
Since you use dictionaries, I guess that simple store saving key:value
will do?
If so, bsddb support built into Python will do just nicely.
bsddb is multiplatform, although I have not personally tested if a
binary db created on one platform will be usable on another. You'd have
to check this.
Caveat: from what some people say I gather that binary format between
bsddb versions tends to change.
There's also ultra-cool-and-modern Tokyo Cabinet key:value store with
Python bindings:
I didn't test it, though.
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