stripping fields from xml file into a csv
Hai Vu
wuhrrr at
Sun Feb 28 11:41:21 EST 2010
On Feb 28, 12:05 am, Stefan Behnel <stefan... at> wrote:
> Hal Styli, 27.02.2010 21:50:
> > I have a sed solution to the problems below but would like to rewrite
> > in python...
> Note that sed (or any other line based or text based tool) is not a
> sensible way to handle XML. If you want to read XML, use an XML parser.
> They are designed to do exactly what you want in a standard compliant way,
> and they can deal with all sorts of XML formatting and encoding, for example.
> > I need to strip out some data from a quirky xml file into a csv:
> > from something like this
> > < ..... cust="dick" .... product="eggs" ... quantity="12" .... >
> > < .... cust="tom" .... product="milk" ... quantity="2" ...>
> > < .... cust="harry" .... product="bread" ... quantity="1" ...>
> > < .... cust="tom" .... product="eggs" ... quantity="6" ...>
> > < ..... cust="dick" .... product="eggs" ... quantity="6" .... >
> As others have noted, this doesn't tell much about your XML. A more
> complete example would be helpful.
> > to this
> > dick,eggs,12
> > tom,milk,2
> > harry,bread,1
> > tom,eggs,6
> > dick,eggs,6
> > I am new to python and xml and it would be great to see some slick
> > ways of achieving the above by using python's XML capabilities to
> > parse the original file or python's regex to achive what I did using
> > sed.
> It's funny how often people still think that SAX is a good way to solve XML
> problems. Here's an untested solution that uses xml.etree.ElementTree:
> from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
> csv_field_order = ['cust', 'product', 'quantity']
> clean_up_used_elements = None
> for event, element in ET.iterparse("thefile.xml", events=['start']):
> # you may want to select a specific element.tag here
> # format and print the CSV line to the standard output
> print(','.join(element.attrib.get(title, '')
> for title in csv_field_order))
> # safe some memory (in case the XML file is very large)
> if clean_up_used_elements is None:
> # this assigns the clear() method of the root (first) element
> clean_up_used_elements = element.clear
> clean_up_used_elements()
> You can strip everything dealing with 'clean_up_used_elements' (basically
> the last section) if your XML file is small enough to fit into memory (a
> couple of MB is usually fine).
> Stefan
This solution is so beautiful and elegant. Thank you. Now I am off to
learn ElementTree.
By the way, Stefan, I am using Python 2.6. Do you know the differences
between ElementTree and cElementTree?
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