multivariable assignment

Lie Ryan lie.1296 at
Fri Jan 1 08:03:32 EST 2010

On 1/1/2010 3:13 AM, davidj411 wrote:
> I am not sure why this behavior is this way.
> at beginning of script, i want to create a bunch of empty lists and
> use each one for its own purpose.
> however, updating one list seems to update the others.
>>>> a = b = c = []
>>>> a.append('1')
>>>> a.append('1')
>>>> a.append('1')
>>>> c
> ['1', '1', '1']
>>>> a
> ['1', '1', '1']
>>>> b
> ['1', '1', '1']

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I always refer them to this article:

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