Exception as the primary error handling mechanism?

r0g aioe.org at technicalbloke.com
Tue Jan 5 04:07:20 EST 2010

Lie Ryan wrote:
> On 1/5/2010 1:31 PM, r0g wrote:
>> Michi wrote:
>>> On Jan 4, 1:30 pm, Steven D'Aprano
>>> <ste... at REMOVE.THIS.cybersource.com.au>  wrote:
>> A pattern I have used a few times is that of returning an explicit
>> success/failure code alongside whatever the function normally returns.
>> While subsequent programmers might not intuit the need to test for
>> (implicit) "magic" return values they ought to notice if they start
>> getting tuples back where they expected scalars...
>> def foo(x)
>>      if x>0:
>>          return True, x*x
>>      else:
>>     return False, "Bad value of x in foo:",str(x)
>> ok, value = foo(-1)
>> if ok:
>>      print "foo of x is", value
>> else:
>>      print "ERROR:", value
> Except that that is a reinvention of try-wheel:

True, but there's more than one way to skin a cat! Mine's faster if you
expect a high rate of failures (over 15%).

> def foo(x):
>     if x > 0:
>         return x*x
>     else:
>         raise MathError("Bad value of x in foo: %s" % x)
> try:
>     print foo(-1)
> except MathError, e:
>     print "ERROR: System integrity is doubted"
> or rather; that is perhaps a good example of when to use 'assert'. If
> the domain of foo() is positive integers, calling -1 on foo is a bug in
> the caller, not foo().

Maybe, although I recently learned on here that one can't rely on assert
 statements in production code, their intended use is to aid debugging
and testing really.

Besides, that was just a toy example.

> I have been looking at Haskell recently and the way the pure functional
> language handled exceptions and I/O gives me a new distinct "insight"
> that exceptions can be thought of as a special return value that is
> implicitly wrapped and unwrapped up the call stack until it is
> explicitly handled.

Yes there's some very interesting paradigms coming out of functional
programming but, unless you're a maths major, functional languages are a
long way off being productivity tools! Elegant: yes, provable: maybe,
practical for everyday coding: not by a long shot!


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