Link to module Stack

Duncan Booth duncan.booth at invalid.invalid
Sat Jan 9 06:40:42 EST 2010

Dave Angel <davea at> wrote:

> or even better, without the extra local var:
>     def pop (self):
>         if len(self.__heap) == 0:
>             raise InnerInterpreterError, "stack underflow"
>         return self.__heap.pop(1)


Anyway if would be simpler and almost certainly faster to not bother 
checking before the pop:

def pop(self):
        return self.__heap.pop()
    except IndexError:
        raise InnerInterpreterError, "stack underflow"

and if performance mattered the OP might even consider pre-binding the pop 
method in __init__:

    self.__pop = self.__heap.pop

but that's probably premature optimisation.
> P.S. - I'm puzzled why the OP even put this message here.  There's no 
> question posted with it.

Me too. It's a repost of something from 2004. Bizarre.

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