simple cgi program

superpollo utente at
Sun Jan 17 09:15:12 EST 2010

hi clp.

i would like to submit the following code for review. it is a simple 
common gateway interface program, which uses the least possible 
libraries for the sake of mechanism undertanding.

the third option in the firts conditional is for commandline testing.



code follows as:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import os
import urllib as url
me = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
env = os.environ
method = "POST"
if env.get("REQUEST_METHOD") == "GET":
     data = env.get("QUERY_STRING")
elif env.get("REQUEST_METHOD") == "POST":
     data ="CONTENT_LENGTH")))
elif not env.get("REQUEST_METHOD"):
     data = sys.stdin.readline().rstrip("\n")
if not data:
     sys.stdout.write("Content-type: text/html\n\n")
     sys.stdout.write("<FORM ACTION='%s' METHOD='%s'>\n" % (me , method))
     sys.stdout.write("TYPE A DIGIT SEQUENCE AND HIT [ENTER]:\n")
     sys.stdout.write("<INPUT NAME='digits' SIZE='20'>\n")
     name = data.partition("=")[0]
     encvalue = data.partition("=")[2]
     decvalue = url.unquote_plus(encvalue)
     sys.stdout.write("Content-type: text/plain\n\n")
     sys.stdout.write("method: %s\n" % method)
     sys.stdout.write("data: %s\n" % data)
     sys.stdout.write("name: %s\n" % name)
     sys.stdout.write("encvalue: %s\n" % encvalue)
     sys.stdout.write("decvalue: %s\n" % decvalue)
     if decvalue.isdigit():
         sys.stdout.write("the sequence you typed is: %s\n" % decvalue)
         sys.stdout.write("what you typed is not a valid sequence\n")


criticism and advice are appreciated!

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