Symbols as parameters?

Jan Kaliszewski zuo at
Fri Jan 22 05:56:26 EST 2010

21-01-2010, 22:51:34 Martin Drautzburg <Martin.Drautzburg at> wrote:

> Thanks for all the answers. Let me summarize
> (1) [...]
> (2) Using enum's was suggested. That is good to know, but again it is
> just a way to define constants in the caller's namespace. [...]
> (3) Then somone suggested to tie the constants to the function itself,
> [...]
> (4) Finally someone mentioned DSLs. [...]
> (5) Here is something I came up with myself:
> def symbols(aDict):
>     aDict["foo"] = "bar"
> def someFunction(aFoo):
>     print aFoo
> symbols(locals())
> someFunction (foo) #Eh voila: foo is magically defined

And what about such a sollution (6):

      from functools import wraps

      def restrict(*arg_options):
          "Decorator that restricts positional arg values to a limited set."

          options = set(arg_options)

          def actual_decorator(func):
              def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
                  if options.issuperset(args):
                      func(*args, **kwargs)
                      raise ValueError("possible positional arguments"
                                       " for %s() limited to: %s"
                                       % (func.__name__,
                                          ", ".join(map(repr,  
              return wrapper
          return actual_decorator

      @restrict('up', 'down', 'right', 'left')
      def move(direction):
          # ...

      move('up')      # OK
      move('down')    # OK
      move('left')    # OK
      move('right')   # OK
      move('rihgtt')  # raises ValueError

Although it uses strings, it solves (in Pythonic, explicit way) the main  
problem: "you could pass invalid strings easily". Typing a two characters  
more ('') isn't a big effort.

Please also note that you can apply not only str-based symbols but any  
hashable objects (obviously it could be event implemented in less  
efficient way to accept *any* objects, though I doubt it's worth to do...).


Jan Kaliszewski (zuo) <zuo at>

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