Xah's Edu Corner: Unix Pipe As Functional Language
Xah Lee
xahlee at gmail.com
Mon Jan 25 12:55:12 EST 2010
Dear comrades,
Hot from the press:
• Unix Pipe As Functional Language
plain text version follows:
Unix Pipe As Functional Language
Xah Lee, 2010-01-25
Found the following juicy interview snippet today:
Q: Is there a connection between the idea of composing programs
together from the command line throught pipes and the idea of writing
little languages, each for a specific domain?
Alfred Aho: I think there's a connection. Certainly in the early days
of Unix, pipes facilitated function composition on the command line.
You could take an input, perform some transformation on it, and then
pipe the output into another program. ...
Q: When you say “function composition”, that brings to mind the
mathematical approach of function composition.
Alfred Aho: That's exactly what I mean.
Q: Was that mathematical formalism in mind at the invention of the
pipe, or was that a metaphor added later when someone realized it
worked the same way?
Alfred Aho: I think it was right there from the start. Doug McIlroy,
at least in my book, deserves the credit for pipes. He thought like a
mathematician and I think he had this connection right from the start.
I think of the Unix command line as a prototypical functional
It is from a interview with Alfred Aho, one of the creators of AWK.
The source is from this book: Masterminds of Programming:
Conversations with the Creators of Major Programming Languages (2009),
by Federico Biancuzzi et al. (amazon)
Since about 1998, when i got into the unix programing industry, i see
the pipe as a post fix notation, and sequencing pipes as a form of
functional programing, but finding it overall extremely badly
designed. I've wrote a few essays explaining the functional programing
connection and exposing the lousy syntax. (mostly in years around
2000) However, i've never seen another person expressing the idea that
unix pipes is a form of postfix notation and functional programing. It
is a great satisfaction to see one of the main unix author state so.
Unix Pipe As Functional Programing
The following email content (slighted edited) is posted to Mac OS X
mailing list, 2002-05. Source
From: xah / xahlee.org
Subject: Re: mail handling/conversion between OSes/apps
Date: May 12, 2002 8:41:58 PM PDT
Cc: macosx-talk / omnigroup.com
Yes, unix have this beautiful philosophy. The philosophy is functional
programing. For example, define:
power(x) := x*x
so “power(3)” returns “9”.
Here “power” is a function that takes 2 arguments. First parameter
specifies the number to be raised to power, the second the number of
times to multiply itself.
functions can be nested,
or composed
Here the “compose” itself is a function, which take other functions as
arguments, and the output of compose is a new function that is
equivalent to nesting f g h.
Nesting does not necessarily involved nested syntax. Here's a post fix
notation in Mathematica for example:
x // h // g // h
or prefix notation:
f @ g @ h @ x
or in lisp
(f (g (h x)))
The principle is that everything is either a function definition or
function application, and function's behavior is strictly determined
by its argument.
Apple around 1997 or so have this OpenDoc technology, which is similar
idea applied more broadly across OS. That is, instead of one
monolithic browser or big image editors or other software, but have
lots of small tools or components that each does one specific thing
and all can call each other or embedded in a application framework as
services or the like. For example, in a email apps, you can use BBEdit
to write you email, use Microsoft's spell checker, use XYZ brand of
recorder to record a message, without having to open many applications
or use the Finder the way we would do today. This multiplies
flexibility. (OpenDoc was killed when Steve Jobs become the iCEO
around 1998 and did some serious house-keeping, against the ghastly
anger of Mac developers and fanatics, I'm sure many of you remember
this piece of history.)
The unix pipe syntax “|”, is a postfix notation for nesting. e.g.
ps auwwx | awk '{print $2}' | sort -n | xargs echo
in conventional syntax it might look like this:
xargs( echo, sort(n, awk('print $2', ps(auwwx))) )
So when you use “pipe” to string many commands in unix, you are doing
supreme functional programing. That's why it is so flexible and
useful, because each component or function does one thing, and you can
combine them in myriad of ways. However, this beautiful functional
programing idea, when it is implemented by the unix heads, becomes a
fucking mess. Nothing works and nothing works right.
I don't feel like writing a comprehensive exposition on this at the
moment. Here's a quick summary:
* Fantastically stupid syntax.
* Inconsistencies everywhere. Everywhere.
* Fucking stupid global variables reliance called environment
variables, which fucks up the whole functional programing paradigm.
* Implicit stuff everywhere.
* Totally incompetent commands and their parameters.
(promiscuously non-orthogonal, and missing things, and fucked up in
just more ways than one can possibly imagine. there are one million
way to do one thing, and none are correct, and much simple needs
CANNOT be done! (that's why there are gazillion shells each smart-ass
improving upon the other, and that's why Perl is born too! But asinine
Larry Wall don't know shit but smugly created another complexity that
don't do much.))
Maybe some other day when i'm pissed, i'll write a better exposition
on this issue. I've been wanting to write a final-say essay on this
for long. Don't feel like it now.
Unix Syntatical and Semantical Stupidity Exposition
The following is posted to a Mac OS X mailing list. Source
From: xah at xahlee.org
Subject: unix inanity: shell env syntax
Date: June 7, 2002 12:00:29 AM PDT
To: macosx-talk at omnigroup.com
Unix Syntatical and Semantical Stupidity Exposition. (this is one of
the many technical expositions of unix stupidity)
(this is currently unpolished, but the meat is there. Input welcome.)
arguments are given with a dash prefix. e.g.
ls -a -l
Order (usually) does not matter. So,
ls -a -l
is the same as
ls -l -a
but arguments can be combined, e.g.
ls -al
means the same thing as
ls -a -l
However, some option consists of more than one character. e.g.
perl -version
perl -help
therefore, the meaning of a option string "-ab" is ad hoc dependent on
the program. It can be "-a -b" or just a option named "ab".
Then, sometimes there are two versions of the same optional argument.
perl -help
perl -h
perl -version
perl -v
this equivalence is ad hoc.
Different program will disagree on common options. For example, to get
the version, here are common varieties:
sometimes v/V stands for "verbose mode", i.e. to output more detail.
Sometimes, if a option is given more than once, then it specifies a
degree of that option. For example, some command accept the -v for
"verbose", meaning that it will output more detail. Sometimes there
are few levels of detail. The number of times a option is given
determines the level of detail. e.g. on Solaris 8,
/usr/ucb/ps -w
/usr/ucb/ps -w -w
Thus, meaning of repeated option may have special meaning depending on
the program.
Oftentimes some options automatically turn on or surpress a bunch of
others. e.g. Solaris 8,
/usr/bin/ls -f
When a named optional parameter is of a boolean type, that is a toggle
of yes/no, true/false, exist/nonexist, then it is often times that
instead of taking a boolean value, their sole existence or non-
existence defines their value.
Toggle options are sometimes represented by one option name for yes,
while another option name for no, and when both are present, the
behavior is program dependent.
Toggle options are represented by different option names.
For named options, their syntax is slack but behavior is usually
dependent on the program. i.e. not all of the following works for
every program
command -o="myvalue"
command -omyvalue
comand -o myvalue
Often one option may have many synonyms...
A example of a better design... (Mathematica, Scheme, Dylan, Python,
Ruby... there's quite a lot elegance and practicality yet distinct
designs and purposes and styles ...)
(recall that unix have a bad design to begin with; it's a donkey shit
pile from the beginning and continuation. Again, unix is not simply
technically incompetent. If that, then that's easy to improve, and i
don't have a problem with, since there are things in one way or
another considered horrendous by today's standard like COBOL or
FORTRAN or DOS etc. But, unix is a brain-washing idiot-making machine,
churning out piles and piles of religiously idiotic and pigheaded
keyboard punchers. For EVERY aspects of good engineering methodology
improvement or language design progress opportunity, unixers will
unanimously turn it down.
Inevitably someone will ask me what's my point. My point in my series
of unix-showcasing articles have always been clear for those who
studies it: Unix is a crime that caused society inordinate harm, and i
want unix geeks to wake up and realize it.
Microsoft PowerShell
Note: Microsoft's new shell programing language, PowerShell (b2006),
adopted much of unix shell's syntax and the pipe paradigm, but with a
much consistent and formal design. (see: Xah's PowerShell Tutorial)
∑ http://xahlee.org/
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