creating tar file and streaming it over HTTP?

Gabriel Genellina gagsl-py2 at
Thu Jan 7 06:09:53 EST 2010

En Wed, 06 Jan 2010 13:39:08 -0300, pbienst <peter.bienstman at>  

> The problem seems to be that the
> receiving end (wsgi server) does not see the end of the data:
>             socket = environ["wsgi.input"]
>             while True:
>                 sys.stderr.write("before")
>                 chunk =
>                 sys.stderr.write("after")
>                 if not chunk:
>                     sys.stderr.write("done")
>                     break
>                 sys.stderr.write(chunk)
> There is data from the tar file being printed, but in the end it hangs
> in the 'before' statement, and never gets to 'done'. I tried flushing
> the fileobj created by makefile(), but that doesn't seem to help.
> There is also no environ["CONTENT_LENGTH"] that I can use to detect
> the end of the stream.
> I'm probably missing something basic here...

Either send a "Connection: Close" header (and close the connection at the  
end), or a "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" header (see )

Gabriel Genellina

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