Dynamic text color

Dave McCormick mackrackit at gmail.com
Fri Jan 8 14:55:26 EST 2010

On Fri, Jan 8, 2010 at 12:28 PM, MRAB <python at mrabarnett.plus.com> wrote:

> Dave McCormick wrote:
>> On Wed, Jan 6, 2010 at 9:18 AM, John Posner <jjposner at optimum.net<mailto:
>> jjposner at optimum.net>> wrote:
>>    On Tue, 05 Jan 2010 16:54:44 -0500, Dave McCormick
>>    <mackrackit at gmail.com <mailto:mackrackit at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>        But it is not what I am wanting. I first thought to make it look
>>        for a space but that would not work when a single character like
>>        "#" is to be colored if there is a "string" of them.  Or if all
>>        of the characters between quotes are to be colored.
>>    Regular expressions are good at handling searches like:
>>    * all the characters between quotes
>>    * the two-character string "do", but only if it's a complete word
>>    -John
>>    --    http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list
>> I need another hint...
>> Been doing some reading and playing and it looks like
>> r'\bxxx\b'
>> is what I need. But I can not figure out how to pass a variable between
>> \b___\b
>> If the word in question is between the "\b \b" and in the list then it
>> works like I want it to.
>>  The below does not work.
>>    greenList_regexp = "|".join(greenList)
>>    for matchobj in re.finditer(r'\bgreenList_regexp\b', complete_text):
>>        start,end = matchobj.span()
>>  The regex r'\bgreenList_regexp\b' will match the string
> 'greenList_regexp' if it's a whole word.
> What you mean is "any of these words, provided that they're whole
> words". You'll need to group the alternatives within "(?:...)", like
> this:
>    r'\b(?:' + greenList_regexp + ')\b'
>  Thanks but that did not work either.
Maybe I have something else wrong too?

complete_text = Tbox.get("1.0", END)
greenList = "green grass".split()
greenList_regexp = "|".join(greenList)
    for matchobj in re.finditer(r'\b(?:' + greenList_regexp + ')\b',
        start,end = matchobj.span()
        Tbox.tag_add("green", "1.0 + %d chars" % start,"1.0 + %d chars" %
    Tbox.tag_config("green", foreground="green")

The words "green" and "grass" do not turn green.

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