Microsoft Office Word and Python (Win XP)
Marco Nawijn
nawijn at
Sat Jan 9 12:58:48 EST 2010
On Jan 9, 4:12 pm, "3lvss0... at" <3lvss0... at> wrote:
> Hi.
> Im very new with python. I have got some answer on my issue to use
> interop or COM ''plugins'' to access MS Word through python but i
> don't even know what those two ''plugins'' are so I cannot use them.
> What I want to do is the following:
> I need the script that moves (only moves, not change or delete!)
> entire (100% of the text) text from one .doc file to another. But its
> not so easy as it sounds. The target .doc file is not the only one but
> can be many of them. All the target .doc files are always in the same
> folder (same path) but all of them don't have the same name. The .doc
> file FROM where I want to move entire text is only one, always in the
> same folder (same path) and always with the same file name.
> Names of the target are only similar but as I have said before, not
> the same. Here is the point of whole script:
> Target .doc files have the names:
> HD1.doc
> HD2.doc
> HD3.doc
> HD4.doc
> and so on
> What I would like to have is moved the entire (but really all of the
> text, must be 100% all) text into the .doc file with the highest ( ! )
> number. The target .doc files will always start with ''HD'' and always
> be similar to above examples.
> It is possible that the doc file (target file) is only one, so only
> HD1.doc. Therefore ''1'' is the maximum number and the text is moved
> into this file.
> Sometimes the target file is empty but usually won't be. If it won't
> be then the text should be moved to the end of the text, into first
> new line (no empty lines inbetween).
> So for example in the target file which has the maximum number in its
> name is the following text:
> a
> b
> c
> In the file from which I want to move the text is:
> d
> This means I need in the target file this:
> a
> b
> c
> d
> Could someone tell me please how to do this?
> Thank you.
I will try to head you in the right direction with the Python/MS.Word
First of all, you need to install the win32 extension. See
Once you have this installed you can instantiate a MS.Word application
this (code untested):
>>> from win32com.client import Dispatch
>>> app = Dispatch("Word.Application")
>>> app.Visible = True
The code so-far is more or less equivalent to opening Word without
a document (normally Word will start with an empty document).
To open a document do something like the following.
>>> doc = app.Documents.Open("c:\\example.doc")
Further builtin Python modules that could be helpfull are:
glob -> for searching files matching a pattern
os, os.path -> for path related functionality like stripping
names from a complete path
Take a look at the online documentation for more information
Good luck and let us know the result.
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