Something More Elegant

Victor Subervi victorsubervi at
Sun Jan 10 12:17:50 EST 2010

On Sat, Jan 9, 2010 at 3:00 PM, Stephen Hansen <apt.shansen at>wrote:

> On Sat, Jan 9, 2010 at 7:15 AM, Victor Subervi <victorsubervi at>wrote:
>> On Sat, Jan 9, 2010 at 9:35 AM, Steve Holden <steve at> wrote:
>>> But we are now in the realm of theory as far as you are concerned, since
>>> you have already stated several times that you aren't interested in
>>> correcting your design until after you have got the current mess into
>>> production.  So good luck with that.
>> And if you were in my shoes, I'm sure you'd do the same thing.
> ... Really, no, he wouldn't :)

Let's not argue an academic point.

> We're not all just hobbyists here who only do work for random open source
> projects. A lot of us are professionals who actually do have clients,
> actually do have deadlines, actually do have an understanding for production
> requirements. Getting something into production as soon as possible is
> certainly an important goal in commercial work. But it is not the only goal.
> Proper database design is very important because if you don't do it, you'll
> actually end up usually wasting *more* time and effort then if you just bite
> the bullet and fix it now.

Clearly. That's why when it was pointed out to me, I jumped on it.

> Proper database design -- in particular in your case, not having multiple
> tables with various names that even need "%sThis" or "%sThat", and using
> parameterized queries to access those tables, is really important. It will
> save you time, it will save you effort, and it'll save you money-- because
> /not/ doing it is among other things, a major security risk. Getting code
> out fast and now is a noble goal in commercial projects, getting code out
> which is by design prone to attacks by hackers is negligence.

You're preaching to the choir ;) Read the above. The only exception to this
is putting all store stuff in the same table. The columns of each store
table are different and automatically created through what I believe are
called "mixins".

> Well, it *is* working now :)) And I am interested in cleaning this up. I
>> should probably start with the matter of databases, since that's something I
>> won't be able to easily change once clients actually start entering data.
>> Please share with me any further concepts or questions to get me thinking
>> how to redesign the databases.
> The next thing to do is to re-do your SQL queries. You should never do
> string interpolation, e.g:
>      SQL="SELECT x FROM y WHERE z = %s" % (arg,)
>      cur.execute(SQL)
> If you have done the first step, your tables always have a set names so you
> never need to interpolate to do the queries-- and then at this point, under
> no circumstances ever, ever-- consider this a law that you will get fined
> for violation-- use string interpolation to generate your queries.
> Instead, do:
>     cur.execute("SELECT x FROM y WHERE z = %s", (arg,))
> That looks really similar, but is lightyears away. Its very unfortunate
> that some database drivers use 'format' as the paramstyle because it
> confuses issues, but the two effects are very different. In one, Python is
> just munging together and creating a new string. In the other, the database
> driver is doing a few things. Its analyzing the query, its storing it (often
> caching it, which speeds up further executions of that query), etc, etc, and
> then finally its seeing that you are passing arguments into it, and it is
> -safely- binding those arguments into the expression; this prevents SQL
> Injection attacks. You can use interpolation and prevent injection if you
> -meticulously- check -every- string that comes from the user, and -never-
> trust it (even if that string was written out to a hidden <input> and
> legitimate users have no way to alter, because illegitimate users will alter
> it anyways). Or you can use parameterized queries and just avoid it, while
> getting plenty of other benefits as well.
> At work, we had a third-party package that we re-sold as part of our
> offering, and glancing over its source, I noticed something. It did, in
> essence to check login:
>      cur.execute("SELECT user_id FROM usertable WHERE username = '%s' AND
> password = '%s' % (username, password))
> I blinked, and emailed them to point out the problem. I suggested they log
> in as:
>     Username = dummyuser
>     Password = '; DROP usertable
> You see, when using interpolation, the string that got sent to the database
> was:
>     SELECT user_id FROM usertable WHERE username = 'dummyuser' AND password
> = ''; DROP usertable
> And thus, from the login screen of this app-- I destroyed their
> environment.
> Its sort of important that you not put code out into production which is
> susceptible to such things. Your clients will not at all appreciate it if
> and when some hacker discovers it and destroys their site, loosing them
> money. But even beyond that, there are many other benefits to just doing
> this right. You want to, believe me. Now, before you put anything into
> production. It might take a day or two longer, but its worth it.
> Finally, go finish getting rid of the bare excepts, I saw one recently :)
> Just rip them all out, every one. All at once. Then fix any errors that come
> along with specific excepts or pre-tests if appropriate. ;)

Frankly, none of this will take too long (except normalization, of course).
And I'm on every one of them. Thank you very much!
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