Bugs in CPython 3.1.1 [wave.py]
Steve Holden
steve at holdenweb.com
Tue Jan 12 19:37:54 EST 2010
Alf P. Steinbach wrote:
> * Steve Holden:
>> Alf P. Steinbach wrote:
>> If you have any suggestions for improving things (and the same goes for
>> any other readers) I will be happy to listen to them. I do agree that
>> the bug tracker is a rather high hurdle for people to have to jump over
>> just to offer feedback on software faults, but the PSF doesn't have the
>> resources to man customer service lines and the like, so we do what we
>> can with web-based automation.
> Well, regarding the bug tracker register-an-account process, checking
> headers of a duplicate confirmation mail that arrived even later than
> what I already commented on,
> Received: from mr1.start.no (unknown [])
> by mail6.start.no (Postfix) with ESMTP id 54EFE1534F8
> for <alfps at start.no>; Tue, 12 Jan 2010 12:56:05 +0100 (CET)
> Received: from psf.upfronthosting.co.za (bugs.python.org [])
> by mr1.start.no (Postfix) with ESMTP id B24C92B2035
> for <alfps at start.no>; Tue, 12 Jan 2010 12:53:53 +0100 (CET)
> Received: from psf.upfronthosting.co.za (localhost [])
> by psf.upfronthosting.co.za (Postfix) with ESMTP id AE98D786B3
> for <alfps at start.no>; Tue, 12 Jan 2010 12:25:53 +0100 (CET)
> As you can see the mail spent exactly 28 minutes (to the second)
> whirring about within "psf.upfronthosting.co.za" before being sent on to
> my ISP, where it used about 3 minutes on orienting itself towards my
> machine.
> I think that mail hang-up may be easiest to fix...
Agreed, I have passed that to postmaster at python.org. I am not really
sure why that mail host was involved in the transaction, but then I
don't spend my days handling email servers.
> Perhaps use other SMTP server (would be easiest solution).
> Perhaps change to CAPTCHA instead of mail confirmation.
That's another possibility, yes.
> Other suggestions I have would, I think, require a lot of work. And I'm
> not sure it's worth it. But my experience is that Google scores 0 on bug
> reporting, not even allowing you to report anything, at all; Microsoft
> scores 8 or so, up from 1 on my scale (they used to have
> lead-you-around-in-circles forms leading to punch-you-in-the nose server
> errors etc., like Google now, but worse because you were paying for
> this!, but they totally changed their tune a few years back, now really
> good, *except* for the worst most bloated MS software/malware ever, the
> Microsoft installer, which unfortunately CPython uses, a light-weight
> installer would be much better!); and then the GNU g++ team scores top
> marks, 10+, because I've had a g++ bug reported and fixed within just
> hours! :-)
Thanks again for the comments. Let's hope something changes as a result!
Steve Holden +1 571 484 6266 +1 800 494 3119
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