force URLencoding script
joaopcf at
Thu Jan 14 05:46:41 EST 2010
On Jan 12, 10:07 pm, r0g <aioe.... at> wrote:
> João wrote:
> > On Jan 12, 8:05 pm, r0g <aioe.... at> wrote:
> >> João wrote:
> >>> Someone please?
> >> Haven't seen your original post yet mate, usenet can be flaky like that,
> >> might have been a good idea to quote your original post!
> >> Roger.
> > Thanks Roger.
> >> João wrote:
> >>> Someone please?
> >>> Hi.
> >>> I'm trying to figure out how to force URLencoding in my Python 2.4.3
> >>> environment, receiving data as an input argument but I'm really at a loss
> >>> here.
> >>> What am I doing wrong?
> > headers = { ’User-Agent’ : user_agent }
> Those quotes need to be either " or ' i.e.
> headers = { 'User-Agent' : user_agent }
> If that doesn't sort it then it would be helpful to see a traceback or,
> if it is not crashing, get a description of how it is failing to do what
> you expect.
> Cheers,
> Roger.
Weird, I had the correct quotes in my script, maybe I've pasted with
some error.
This is my current script,
(and though I got it working with the I don't know how
to use a pure Python version.
for the following data,
authentication = "UID=somestring&"
message = 'PROBLEM severity High: OperatorX Plat1(locationY) global
Succ. : 94.470000%'
dest_number = 'XXXXXXXXXXX'
url_values = urlencode({'M':message})
enc_data = authentication + url_values + dest_number
I'm getting null for
full_url = Request(url, enc_data, headers)
and thus,
response = urlopen(full_url).read()
TypeError: <exceptions.TypeError instance at 0x2b4d88ec6440>
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import os
import subprocess
from urllib import urlencode, urlopen
from urllib2 import Request
destination = sys.argv[1]
msg = sys.argv[2]
authentication = "UID=somestring&"
dest_number = "&N=%s" % destination
message = '%s' % msg
url_values = urlencode({'M':message})
enc_data = authentication + url_values + dest_number
url = '''echo "%s" | /usr/bin/POST -P "%s"' % (enc_data, url),
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