force URLencoding script
joaopcf at
Mon Jan 18 15:50:01 EST 2010
On Jan 15, 4:46 pm, r0g <aioe.... at> wrote:
> João wrote:
> > On Jan 15, 2:38 pm, r0g <aioe.... at> wrote:
> >> João wrote:
> >>> On Jan 14, 5:58 pm, r0g <aioe.... at> wrote:
> >>>> João wrote:
> >>>>> On Jan 12, 10:07 pm, r0g <aioe.... at> wrote:
> >>>>>> João wrote:
> >>>>> for the following data,
> >>>>> authentication = "UID=somestring&"
> >>>>> message = 'PROBLEM severity High: OperatorX Plat1(locationY) global
> >>>>> Succ. : 94.470000%'
> >>>>> dest_number = 'XXXXXXXXXXX'
> >>>>> url_values = urlencode({'M':message})
> >>>>> enc_data = authentication + url_values + dest_number
> >>>>> I'm getting null for
> >>>>> full_url = Request(url, enc_data, headers)
> >>>>> and thus,
> >>>>> response = urlopen(full_url).read()
> >>>>> returns,
> >>>>> TypeError: <exceptions.TypeError instance at 0x2b4d88ec6440>
> >>>>> )
> >>>> Are you sure it's returning a null and not just some other unexpected
> >>>> type?
> >>>> I think your problem may be that you are passing a urllib2 class to
> >>>> urllib(1)'s urlopen. Try using urllib2's urlopen instead e.g.
> >>>> import urllib2
> >>>> request_object = urllib2.Request('')
> >>>> response = urllib2.urlopen(request_object)
> >>>> the_page =
> >>>> Roger.
> >>> Thanks Roger.
> >>> I think it's a null because i did a print(full_url) right after the
> >>> Request
> >>> I tried
> >>> request_object = urllib2.Request('')
> >>> print(request_object)
> >>> but when printing I get: <urllib2.Request instance at 0x2afaa2fe3f80>
> >> Hi João,
> >> That's exactly what you want, an object that is an instance of the
> >> Request class. That object doesn't do anything by itself, you still need
> >> to a) Connect to the server and request that URL and b) Read the data
> >> from the server.
> >> a) To connect to the web server and initialize the request you need to
> >> call urllib2.urlopen() with the Request object you just created and
> >> assign the result to a name e.g.
> >>>> response = urllib2.urlopen(request_object)
> >> That will give you an object (response) that you can call the .read()
> >> method of to get the web page data.
> >>>> the_page =
> >> If that doesn't make sense or seem to work for you then please try
> >> reading the following website from top to bottom before taking any
> >> further steps...
> >>
> >>> I've read about Python 2.4 not playing well with proxies even with no
> >>> proxy activated.
> >>> Any sugestion?
> >> I doubt any language can play well with proxies if there are none so I
> >> doubt it's a factor ;)
> >> Good luck,
> >> Roger.
> > lol.
> > I've expressed myself poorly,
> > I meant I read about some issues when getting the Request + urlopen
> > working when there's a proxy involved (like in my case)
> > even when activating a no_proxy configuration, something like,
> > proxy_support = urllib.ProxyHandler({})
> > opener = urllib.build_opener(proxy_support)
> > urllib.install_opener(opener)
> > But I don't know how to use it :(
> That is how you use it IIRC, this installs the proxy handler into urllib
> and subsequent objects you subclass from urllib will use the custom handler.
> From what I can tell, you should be using urllib2 though, not urllib.
> Lets take a step back. You had the following line...
> request_object = urllib2.Request('')
> ...You printed it and it showed that you had created a Request object
> right. Now what happens when you type...
> response = urllib2.urlopen(request_object)
> print response
> ?
> Roger.
Thanks for the patience Roger.
Your explanation opened my eyes.
I finally got it to work, and it turned out I didn't have to include
any custom proxy handler to avoid our proxy.
It ended on such a small and simple block of code after getting the
pieces together..
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
from urllib2 import Request, urlopen
from urllib import urlencode
authentication = "UID=124675&PW=gdberishyb8LcIANtvT89QVQ==&"
url = ''
encoded_data = urlencode({'M':sys.argv[2],
# Was having problem with this one, shouldn't have tried to pass the
authentication as an urlencode parameter because it was breaking the
password string!
sent_data = authentication + encoded_data
full_url = Request(url,sent_data)
response = urlopen(full_url).read()
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