Generic Python Benchmark suite?
M.-A. Lemburg
mal at
Tue Jan 19 03:52:22 EST 2010
Anand Vaidya wrote:
> Is there a generic python benchmark suite in active development? I am
> looking forward to comparing some code on various python
> implementations (primarily CPython 2.x, CPython 3.x, UnladenSwallow,
> Psyco).
> I am happy with something that gives me a relative number eg: ULS is
> 30% faster than CPy2.x etc
> I found pybench which is probably not maintained actively.
Oh, it is. In fact, I'm preparing a new version for Python 2.7.
> What do you suggest?
> PS: I think a benchmark should cover file / network, database I/O,
> data structures (dict, list etc), object creation/manipulation,
> numbers, measure looping inefficiencies, effects of caching (memcache
> etc) at the minimum
pybench addresses many of the low-level aspects you're asking for.
It doesn't have an I/O tests, since these usually don't have much
to do with Python's performance, but rather that of the underlying
OS and hardware.
Marc-Andre Lemburg
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