setattr() oddness
M.-A. Lemburg
mal at
Wed Jan 20 05:02:29 EST 2010
Dieter Maurer wrote:
> Steven D'Aprano <steven at> writes on 18 Jan 2010 06:47:59 GMT:
>> On Mon, 18 Jan 2010 07:25:58 +0100, Dieter Maurer wrote:
>>> Lie Ryan <lie.1296 at> writes on Sat, 16 Jan 2010 19:37:29 +1100:
>>>> On 01/16/10 10:10, Sean DiZazzo wrote:
>>>>> Interesting. I can understand the "would take time" argument, but I
>>>>> don't see any legitimate use case for an attribute only accessible
>>>>> via getattr(). Well, at least not a pythonic use case.
>>>> mostly for people (ab)using attributes instead of dictionary.
>>> Here is one use case:
>>> A query application. Queries are described by complex query objects.
>>> For efficiency reasons, query results should be cached. For this, it is
>>> not unnatural to use query objects as cache keys. Then, query objects
>>> must not get changed in an uncontrolled way. I use "__setattr__" to
>>> control access to the objects.
>> (1) Wouldn't it be more natural to store these query keys in a list or
>> dictionary rather than as attributes on an object?
>> e.g. instead of:
>> cache.__setattr__('complex query object', value)
>> use:
>> cache['complex query object'] = value
> Few will use "cache.__setattr__(...)" but "cache.attr = ..." which
> is nicer than "cache['attr'] = ...".
> Moreover, it is not the cache but the query of which I want to protect
> modification. My cache indeed uses "cache[query_object] = ...".
> But I want to prevent "query_object" from being changed after a potential
> caching.
You might want to look at mxProxy which provides object-level
access control:
See the "Access Protocol" in the documentation:
>> (2) How does __setattr__ let you control access to the object? If a user
>> wants to modify the cache, and they know the complex query object, what's
>> stopping them from using __setattr__ too?
> In my specific case, "__setattr__" prevents all modifications via attribute
> assignment. The class uses "__dict__" access to set attributes when
> it knows it is still safe.
> Of course, this is no real protection against attackers (which could
> use "__dict__" as well). It only protects against accidental change
> of query objects.
> Meanwhile, I remembered a more important use case for "__setattr__":
> providing for transparent persistancy. The "ZODB" (Zope Object DataBase)
> customizes "__setattr__" in order to intercept object modifications
> and register automatically that the change needs to be persisted at
> the next transaction commit.
Marc-Andre Lemburg
Professional Python Services directly from the Source (#1, Jan 20 2010)
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