Interesting Problem
Gary Herron
gherron at
Wed Jan 20 11:37:55 EST 2010
Victor Subervi wrote:
> Hi;
> I think I finally have an interesting problem for y'all. I need to
> import a script from a lower dir, forcing me to change dirs:
Wait a moment... Your assumption that you need to change directories is
invalid. (And that means everything you do below this point unnecessary.)
Python provides many ways to easily import from arbitrary directories:
* Before run time, modify the environment variable
PYTHONPATH with the desired directory.
Then import as normal.
* At run time, import sys and append the desired
path to sys.path, and again import as normal.
* Check out the "imp" module which allows you to
import from files specified via a path.
Straighten that out, then we can examine the following (suspicious) clams:
* that you must evaluate *before* some import
* that you must use globals
* python's problem with globals
Gary Herron
> cwd = os.getcwd()
> os.chdir('%s/..' % cwd)
> sys.path.append(os.getcwd())
> from templateFrame import top, bottom
> os.chdir(cwd)
> Because I've found I must do my form evaluations *before* changing dir
> as above, I am forced to call these values as globals:
> form = cgi.FieldStorage()
> store = form.getfirst('store')
> cat = form.getfirst('cat')
> id = form.getfirst('id')
> pkg = form.getfirst('pkg')
> patientID = form.getfirst('patientID')
> Now, apparently because of python's problem with globals, when I call
> "id" as follows:
> cursor.execute('select ProductID from productsPackages where
> PackageID=%s' % id)
> I get the following error:
> /var/www/html/
> <>
> 135 cursor.close()
> 136 bottom()
> 137
> 138 Store_frame2()
> 139
> Store_frame2 = <function Store_frame2>
> /var/www/html/
> <> in Store_frame2()
> 119 printAProduct()
> 120 else:
> 121 cursor.execute('select ProductID from productsPackages where
> PackageID=%s' % id)
> 122 for id in [itm[0] for itm in cursor]:
> 123 printAProduct(id)
> global cursor = <MySQLdb.cursors.Cursor object>, cursor.execute =
> <bound method Cursor.execute of <MySQLdb.cursors.Cursor object>>,
> global id = '1'
> UnboundLocalError: local variable 'id' referenced before assignment
> args = ("local variable 'id' referenced before assignment",)
> Full code below. Please advise.
> TIA,
> beno
> #! /usr/bin/python
> import string
> import cgitb; cgitb.enable()
> import cgi
> import MySQLdb
> import sys,os
> from sets import Set
> import fpformat
> cwd = os.getcwd()
> sys.path.append(cwd)
> from login import login
> from particulars import truncate
> form = cgi.FieldStorage()
> store = form.getfirst('store')
> cat = form.getfirst('cat')
> id = form.getfirst('id')
> pkg = form.getfirst('pkg')
> patientID = form.getfirst('patientID')
> try:
> browser = form.getfirst('browser', 'all')
> except:
> browser = headers()
> os.chdir('%s/..' % cwd)
> sys.path.append(os.getcwd())
> from templateFrame import top, bottom
> os.chdir(cwd)
> ourFile = string.split(__file__, "/")
> p = ourFile[len(ourFile) - 1]
> p = p[: - 9]
> site = ourFile[4][:-10]
> if site != '':
> site = site[:-1]
> user, passwd, db, host = login()
> db = MySQLdb.connect(host, user, passwd, db)
> cursor= db.cursor()
> cursor.execute('describe %s;' % store)
> descr = cursor.fetchall()
> cols = []
> for elt in descr:
> cols.append(elt[0])
> def printAProduct(id=id):
> lastID = ''
> cursor.execute('select * from %s where ID="%s"' % (store, id))
> vals = cursor.fetchone()
> prodDict = dict(zip(cols, vals))
> for col, item in prodDict.iteritems():
> if col == 'ID':
> print '<input type="hidden" name="prodid" value="%s" />' % item
> try: # Stores such as products (but not prescriptions) will pass
> through
> from particulars import ourOptions
> if col in ourOptions():
> print '<input type="hidden" name="%s" value="%s" />' % (col, item)
> except:
> pass
> if col[:3] != 'pic':
> notSet = 1
> if isinstance(item, (str, int, long, float, long, complex,
> unicode, list, buffer, xrange, tuple)):
> print '<b>%s: </b>%s<br />\n' % (col, item)
> else:
> try:
> html = "<b>%s</b>: <select name='%s'>" % (col, col)
> notSet = 0
> for itm in item:
> try:
> color, number = itm.split('_')
> html += "<option value='%s'>%s</option>" % (itm, color)
> except:
> html += "<option value='%s'>%s</option>" % (itm, itm)
> html += "</select><br />"
> print html
> except:
> pass
> # if notSet == 1:
> # if len(col) > 49:
> # colX = col[:50] + '...'
> # else:
> # colX = col
> # print '<b>%s: </b>%s<br />\n' % (colX, item)
> elif col == 'pic1':
> try:
> if (item != None):
> # if (item != None) and (len(item > 0)):
> print '<a href=""
> class="highslide" href=""
> onclick="return hs.expand(this)"><img
> src="" width="100" height="80" alt=""
> align="left" border="0" title="Click to enlarge" style="border:
> 0px"></a><br clear="all" />\n' % (store, col[3:], id, store, col[3:],
> id, store, col[3:], id)
> except TypeError:
> raise
> except:
> raise
> # i += 1
> # try:
> # content = item[x].tostring()
> # pic = "tmp" + str(i) + ".jpg"
> # try:
> # os.remove(pic)
> # except:
> # pass
> # img = open(pic, "w")
> # img.write(content)
> # print '<img src="%s"><br /><br />' % pic
> # img.close()
> # except:
> # pass
> def Store_frame2():
> top(browser, p)
> i = 0
> print '<tr>\n'
> print '<form method="post" action="">'
> print "<input type='hidden' name='store' value='%s' />" % store
> print "<input type='hidden' name='whatDo' value='insert' />"
> if pkg == 'no':
> printAProduct()
> else:
> cursor.execute('select ProductID from productsPackages where
> PackageID=%s' % id)
> for id in [itm[0] for itm in cursor]:
> printAProduct(id)
> if store == 'prescriptions':
> print "<input type='hidden' name='quantity' value='1' />"
> print "<input type='submit' value=' Refill ' />"
> elif truncate()[store] != '':
> pass
> else:
> print "<b>Quantity</b>: <input type='text' name='quantity'
> width='3' maxlength='3' /><br />"
> print "<input type='submit' value=' Add To Cart ' />"
> print '</form>'
> print '</td></tr></table>\n'
> print '</table>\n'
> cursor.close()
> bottom()
> Store_frame2()
> --
> The Logos has come to bear
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