Symbols as parameters?
Alf P. Steinbach
alfps at
Thu Jan 21 14:01:04 EST 2010
* Diez B. Roggisch:
> Am 21.01.10 19:48, schrieb Alf P. Steinbach:
>> * Diez B. Roggisch:
>>> Am 21.01.10 12:58, schrieb Alf P. Steinbach:
>>>> * Stefan Behnel:
>>>>> Alf P. Steinbach, 21.01.2010 11:38:
>>>>>> * Carl Banks:
>>>>>>> On Jan 20, 11:43 pm, Martin Drautzburg <Martin.Drautzb... at>
>>>>>> [snip]
>>>>>>>> What I am really looking for is a way
>>>>>>>> - to be able to call move(up)
>>>>>>>> - having the "up" symbol only in the context of the function
>>>>>>>> call
>>>>>>> Short answer is, you can't do it.
>>>>>> On the contrary, it's not difficult to do.
>>>>>> I provided an example in my answer to the OP (first reply in the
>>>>>> thread).
>>>>> Erm, no, you didn't. You showed a) how to pass a string constant
>>>>> into a
>>>>> function and b) how to pass a value from a bound variable. None of
>>>>> that is
>>>>> helpful to the OP's problem.
>>>> Perhaps look again at that example. It demonstrates exactly what the OP
>>>> asks for.
>>> Perhaps look again at the requirements:
>>> """
>>> - the parameter IS REALLY NOT A STRING, but a direction
>>> """
>> So?
> Oh please. You claim you provided exactly what the OP asked for. But in
> the body of move, all you can do is to compare the direction parameter
> tco "up", not to UP. So no, you provided *something*, but not what the
> OP asked for.
Pardon me for not taking you seriously or not getting the joke, if that's what
it's meant as.
- Alf
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