Simple Password Strength Checker Review Help needed
Steven D'Aprano
steven at
Wed Jan 27 01:57:06 EST 2010
On Wed, 27 Jan 2010 11:26:21 +0530, Mallikarjun wrote:
I don't know much about pygtk and Glade, but I can make a couple of
> class PassChecker:
> def on_check_button_toggled(self, button):
> if self.pass_entry.get_visibility():
> self.pass_entry.set_visibility(False)
> else:
> self.pass_entry.set_visibility(True)
This can be written as:
self.pass_entry.set_visibility(not self.pass_entry.get_visibility())
Better still, get rid of the "set_visiblity" and "get_visibility"
methods. This isn't Java, setters and getters are rarely needed. Just
make an attribute "visible" and toggle it:
self.pass_entry.visible = not self.pass_entry.visible
> def on_guidelines_button_clicked(self, button):
> message = "Here are some guidelines to be followed while
> choosing password.\n\
It is best to write such long strings as a triple-quoted string, to avoid
needing all those backslashes. Instead of:
message = "Here are some guidelines... \n\
blah blah blah \n\
blah blah"
it is better to write:
message = """Here are some guidelines...
blah blah blah
blah blah"""
> def on_pass_entry_changed(self, text_entry):
> password = self.pass_entry.get_text() strength =
> self.password_strength_checker(password)
> if strength >= 0.0 and strength <= 0.20:
> strength_in_str = "Very Week"
Python allows you to write multiple comparisons like this:
if 0.0 <= strength <= 0.20:
strength_in_str = "Very Weak"
elif 0.20 < strength <= 0.40:
strength_in_str = "Weak"
Note also the correct spelling of weak. ("Week" is seven days.)
> def password_strength_checker(self, password):
> if not password:
> return 0.0
> # Check for having same Characters
> has_same_characters = True
> first_letter = password[0]
> for i in range(1, password.__len__()):
You nearly never need to explicitly call double-underscore methods like
__len__. The above is better written as:
for i in range(1, len(password)):
> if not first_letter == password[i]:
> has_same_characters = False
> if not has_same_characters:
> break
> if has_same_characters:
> return 0.0
I'm not sure what you're trying to do here. By the names, I think you're
looking for any repeated characters, but judging by the code, you're only
checking to see if the *first* character is repeated.
If you want to check only the first character, this is best written as:
# get the first character, and see it if is in the rest of the string
first_repeated = password[0] in password[1:]
If you want to check for any duplicate:
any_duplicate = len(set(password)) != len(password)
If that's a bit too mysterious for you, try this:
for c in password:
# check each character for duplicates
if password.count(c) != 1:
print "character %s is duplicated" % c
I'm sure you can adapt that to do what you want.
> lower_alphabets_count = 0
> upper_alphabets_count = 0
> digits_count = 0
> special_chars_count = 0
> for i in range(0, password.__len__()):
Again, use len(password).
> char = password[i]
Since you *only* use i as an index to grab the ith character, this is
better written by iterating over the string itself:
for char in password:
> if char.isalpha():
> if char.isupper():
> upper_alphabets_count += 1
> else:
> lower_alphabets_count += 1
> elif char.isdigit():
> digits_count += 1
> else:
> special_chars_count += 1
if char.isupper():
upper_alphabets_count += 1
elif char.isupper():
lower_alphabets_count += 1
elif char.isdigit():
digits_count += 1
special_chars_count += 1
> chars_count = [upper_alphabets_count, lower_alphabets_count,
> digits_count, special_chars_count]
> if password.__len__() < 8:
> if not chars_count.__contains__(0):
> strength = 0.5
if not 0 in chars_count:
strength = 0.5
Hope this helps.
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