myths about python 3
Christian Heimes
lists at
Wed Jan 27 16:26:04 EST 2010
John Nagle wrote:
> 1. Python 3 is supported by major Linux distributions.
> FALSE - most distros are shipping with Python 2.4, or 2.5 at best.
You are wrong. Modern versions of Debian / Ubuntu are using Python 2.6.
My Ubuntu box has python3.0, too.
> 2. Python 3 is supported by multiple Python implementations.
> FALSE - Only CPython supports 3.x. Iron Python, Unladen Swallow,
> PyPy, and Jython have all stayed with 2.x versions of Python.
You are wrong again. We have an active discussion on the Python
developer mailinglist to integrate Unladen Swallow into py3k, see
. The other implementations have been planing Python 3.x support for
more than a year.
> 3. Python 3 is supported by most 3rd party Python packages.
> FALSE - it's not supported by MySQLdb, OpenSSL, feedparser, etc.
Python 3.x has builtin support for several aspects of OpenSSL. Other
important projects like Cython, lxml, some Postgres DBAs, Django,
mod_wsgi and many more have been ported to Python 3.x for more than a
year. In fact Graham has helped us to identify several issues in 3.0
beta while he was porting mod_wsgi to Python 3.0.
(Personally I neither see MySQL as mission critical nor as a powerful
RDBMS. Just try to combine foreign keys with triggers and you'll see
what I'm talking about. *scnr*)
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