Still too slow
John Posner
jjposner at
Sat Jan 30 19:27:46 EST 2010
On 1/30/2010 6:08 PM, elsa wrote:
> Hello again,
> Thanks for the tips r.e random.ranint(). This improved matters
> somewhat, however my program is still too slow. If anyone has any
> further tips on how to speed it up, they would be much appreciated!
> So, I'm calling evolve(L,limit) from the interactive prompt. L is
> initally [[100],['NA']]. Ideally limit would be 10^7.
> Here is my program:
> import random
> n=100
> def evolve(L,limit):
> global n
> while n<limit:
> evnt = event()
> if evnt!="None":
> ind = chooseInd(L,n)
> action(evnt,L,ind)
> def chooseInd(L,n):
> choiceSum=0
> index=0
> choice = random.randint(1,n)
> while choiceSum< choice:
> choiceSum+=L[index][0]
> index +=1
> return (index-1)
> def event():
> choice = random.random()
> if choice<= .3:
> event='b'
> elif choice<= .4:
> event ='d'
> elif choice<= .5:
> event = 'm'
> else:
> event = 'None'
> return event
> def action(event, L, index):
> global n
> if event == 'b':
> L[index][0]+=1
> n +=1
> elif event == 'd':
> L[index][0]-=1
> n -=1
> elif event == 'm':
> L.append([1,index])
> n +=1
> thanks in advance,
> Elsa.
1. You changed the subject line from "For loop searching takes too
long!" to "Still too slow". This causes newsreader programs to start a
new discussion thread, which makes life difficult for people who need to
refer back to previous messages. Please don't change the subject line
any more.
2. You provided a very clear description of your original question:
Now, what I need to do is randomly choose one myList[i], however the
distribution of my random choice needs to be proportional to the
values of myList[i][0].
This description should be the doc string for the chooseInd() function
-- for example:
def chooseInd(L,n):
randomly choose one L[i], so that the distribution
of choices is proportional to the values of L[i][0]
It is not clear (to me, anyway) what the other functions are trying to
accomplish. So please add a doc string to each of these functions, with
descriptions of similar clarity. This will help us a lot. And it will
help you, too, if you return to the code after a few days/weeks/months
of directing your attention elsewhere.
3. Please provide a *complete* transcript of an interactive session that
exercises this code.
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