python app development

CM cmpython at
Sun Jul 4 03:26:24 EDT 2010

On Jul 3, 1:48 pm, mo reina < at> wrote:
> an anyone recommend a resource (book,tutorial,etc.) that focuses on
> application development in python? something similar to Practical
> Django Projects, but for stand alone applications instead of web apps
> (for now).
> i'm in a bit of a funny place, i have a decent/good grasp of python
> syntax and my logic isn't bad, but i have no clue on how to assemble
> an application, i seem to be stuck on writing scripts.

Do you have a particular project in mind?  Getting unstuck, I think,
is about having a goal and then you'll begin to seek out what you need
to make that happen (see below).

> also, it seems that a lot of
> app programming is 90% gui bindings, with very little actual code, or
> am i totally way off mark?

I'm sure it varies greatly depending on the application.  Depending on
the complexity of the GUI and how much care goes into it, that can be
a lot of code (it seems to me).

> i recently picked up the django practical projects book, and in a few
> days i re-wrote a website i did with django. i feel it was the book's
> project-centric approach that made this possible.

I don't know of a book oriented that way (sounds like a good idea),
but you might take a look at this video "learning path" from the
ShowMeDo website:

It is focused on GUI (desktop and web) application development.  There
is a super basic starter video in there about making a Python image
viewer application.  Then the video series about building emol seems
very thorough (there are 35 videos!), though I haven't watched it yet.

What I would suggest is that you first decide what you want to
accomplish.  Then research and pick a GUI framework first (Tkinter,
wxPython, PyQT, PyGTK), then whatever other tools you'll need
(database?  drawing?  math/science?), which will either be in the
standard library or in a 3rd party library.  Any of the research on
what tools to use can be Googled with bountiful results, as those
questions are asked a lot.  Then just jump in.  This will prompt you
to learn in a directed way.

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