Check if a command is valid

Tim Roberts timr at
Tue Jul 13 02:18:48 EDT 2010

Kenny Meyer <knny.myer at> wrote:
>I have to figure out if a string is callable on a Linux system. I'm
>actually doing this:
>Never mind the code, because this is not the original.
>The side effect of is that it *actually* executes
>it, but I just need the return code. What are better ways of doing

You can do what the "which" command does: split the PATH environment
variable into individual components, and see if the string maps to a file
in any directory in your PATH with the "execute" bit set.  That won't catch
shell macros, however.  You might be able to use "type" to do that.
Tim Roberts, timr at
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

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