Sharing: member type deduction for member pointers (Alf's device?)

Alf P. Steinbach /Usenet alf.p.steinbach+usenet at
Sat Jul 17 05:50:48 EDT 2010

[Cross-posted comp.lang.c++ and comp.lang.python]

Consider the following code, from an example usage of some C++ support for 
Python I'm working on, "cppy":

     struct Noddy
         PyPtr       first;
         PyPtr       last;
         int         number;

         Noddy( PyWeakPtr pySelf, PyPtr args, PyPtr kwArgs )
             : number( 0 )
             // ... some initialization here

         PyPtr name()
             return (PyString( first ) + L" " + PyString( last )).pyPtr();

     struct NoddyPyClass: PyClass< Noddy >
         typedef PyClass< Noddy >    Base;

         NoddyPyClass( PyModule& m, PyString const& name, PyString const& doc )
             : Base( m, name, doc,
                         L"name",        CPPY_METHOD_FORWARDER( name ),
                         L"Return the name, combining the first and last name"
                         L"first",       CPPY_GETSET_FORWARDERS( first ),
                         L"first name"
                         L"last",        CPPY_GETSET_FORWARDERS( last ),
                         L"last name"
                         L"number",      CPPY_GETSET_FORWARDERS( number ),
                         L"noddy number"

Originally e.g.


had to be written as

     CPPY_GETSET_FORWARDERS( int, number ),

because in order to use a compile time member pointer as template actual 
argument, one needs to supply the member type as a separate template argument.

E.g. the template might look like

     template< class Class, class MemberType, MemberType Class::*pMember >
     struct ForwardersForGetAndSet
         // Some definitions here, hardwiring that compile time member pointer!

Apparently there was no way around the user repeating explicitly the member type 
that the compiler already knew about... It seemed akin to deducing the return 
type of a function. Difficult in C++98 (although Boost does a fair job).

But then it seemed that I'm not totally senile yet, for this occurred to me:

     #define CPPY_GETSET_FORWARDERS( name )                          \
         ::progrock::cppy::forwardersGetSet(                         \
             &CppClass::name                                         \
             ).themForwarders< &CppClass::name >()

Here forwardersGetSet is a templated function that via argument type deduction 
produces an instance of a templated struct, thereby "knowing" the member type, 
which struct in turn has a member function templated on the member pointer, 
which the macro supplies *twice*, once as run-time arg and once as compile-time.

He he.

Perhaps this trick is well-known already, but it was new to me, so! :-)


- Alf

blog at <url:>

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