passing data to Tkinter call backs

Bruno Desthuilliers bruno.42.desthuilliers at websiteburo.invalid
Wed Jun 9 09:47:59 EDT 2010

Nick Keighley a écrit :
> On 9 June, 13:50, Bruno Desthuilliers <bruno.
>> Note that the lambda trick you used is very idiomatic - functool.partial
>> being newer and probably not as used - so one could argue that the most
>> common way is also the most "elegant" !-)
> I'm somewhat newbie at Python but I'd seen lambda elsewhere (scheme).
> I like the closure trick... 

Well... Python is not Scheme - specially wrt/ lambdas and closures. 
While it has some restricted support for some FP idioms, Python is 
definitly an OO language.

FWIW, you could implement the functool.partial class using closures / 
HOF (and it's been done before), but it's easier and just more "obvious" 
to take the OO route here.

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