Black-Jewish History FAQ - Is The Secret Relationship between blacks and jews a “hate literature”?
nanothermite911fbibustards at
Thu Jun 17 15:15:40 EDT 2010
Blacks and Jews have been involved in a re-evaluation of their current
and historical relationship. Events of the past several years have
raised both tensions and the level of rhetoric coming from all sides.
The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews is a historical
accounting of the part of the relationship that has been ignored by
both Blacks and Jews.
Black-Jewish History FAQ - Is The Secret Relationship between blacks
and jews a “hate literature”?
No. It is truth literature. The release in 1991 of The Secret
Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, Vol. 1, offered the world a
glimpse of how the so-called chosen people have historically related
to the Blacks with whom they have come into contact. Jews, upset with
the revelation, have reacted by condemning the book as “unscholarly”
and “hate literature.” But at the same time many, many academic
libraries have quietly bought the book and put it in their
collections. At least 115 libraries around the world now have the book
in their collections, including such prestigious institutions as Yale,
Harvard, Princeton, Brandeis, Yeshiva University, the Jewish
Theological Seminary, Brown University, Stanford University, even
Cambridge University in London, England, and others in Germany and New
Zealand, all of which have the book on their library shelves.
Some libraries have the book but keep it locked away in a special
location, requiring ID in order to see it. At one point the Brandeis
University library kept it, along with other important works, in what
they called “The Cage.” The Library of Congress wrote to the NOI and
demanded a copy (which was supplied).
There have been more than a dozen books and dozens more articles
written to try to refute The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and
Jews, Vol. 1. One scholar called this new body of scholarship spawned
by The Secret Relationship a “cottage industry.” The Jewish leaders
have held high-level meetings at retailers like Barnes & Noble and
Borders about what to do with this bestseller. One store in California
was putting one of these “refutation” books in the bags of any Black
customer who bought any book on any topic. Canada was stopping The
Secret Relationship at the border and labeling it “contraband.” On the
official form the border agents could check one of three categories:
“pornography,” “hate literature,” or “other.” They checked “other.”
Libraries list the book as “history”—not “hate literature”— and have
deemed it too important to the discourse on the Black–Jewish
relationship to exclude it.
Other Libraries that own Volume 1 include:
London Library of Haringay, UK
London Library of Newham, UK
Yorkshire Library, UK
Senckenberg Univ., Frankfurt, Germany
Univ. of Otago Library, New Zealand
Vancouver Public Library
Univ. of the W. Indies, Barbados
British Library
University of Toronto Libraries
New York University
Smith College
Amherst College
College of the Holy Cross
Northeastern University
UCLA Library
University of California, Davis
University of California, Irvine
University of San Diego
University of Southern California
University of California Berkeley
Hoover Institute, Stanford, CA
University of Texas, Austin
Texas A&M University, Kingsville
Maricopa Community Colleges
Whitman College, Walla Walla, WA
Multnomah County Library
Pierce College Library
University of Nevada, Reno
Rice University, Fondren Library
Wisconsin Historical Society
Atlanta-Fulton Public Library
Doane College
California State, Northridge
Florida Atlantic University
Missouri State University
Grambling State University
Pittsburg State University
Southern University in New Orleans
Sam Houston State University
University of Miami
University of West Georgia
University of Iowa Library
University of Florida
Saint Louis Public Library
Southeast Missouri State University
Mervyn H. Sterne Library
Grinnell College
University of Chicago
Chicago Public Library
Loyola University Libraries
Saint Xavier University Library
Milwaukee Library System
Western Kentucky University
University of Illinois
Savannah State University
Fayetteville State University
Michigan State University Libraries
Antioch College
Barber-Scotia College
Davidson College Library
Allen County Public Library
Calvin College & Theological Seminary
Indiana State University
University of Akron
Detroit Public Library
Duke University Library
North Carolina State University
Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Ohio State University
Toledo-Lucas County Public Library
Eastern Michigan University Library
University of Michigan Library
Bowling Green State University
Bucknell University
Concordia Univ. Library
McGill University
Delaware State University
University of Maryland, College Park
University of Pittsburgh
Hampton University
Elizabeth City State University
Bowdoin College
Temple University Libraries
Univ. of Pennsylvania, Judaic Studies
Haverford College
Richard Stockton College
St. Lawrence University
West Chester University
Penfield Library - Suny Oswego
University of Delaware
William Paterson University
New York Public Library
Brooklyn Public Library
Brooklyn College
Hamilton College Library
Boston Public Library
University of Vermont
Worcester State College
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