modifying standard library functionality (difflib)
Vlastimil Brom
vlastimil.brom at
Wed Jun 23 21:07:48 EDT 2010
Hi all,
I'd like to ask about the most reasonable/recommended/... way to
modify the functionality of the standard library module (if it is
recommended at all).
I'm using difflib.SequenceMatcher for character-wise comparisons of
the texts; although this might not be a usual use case, the results
are fine for the given task; however, there were some cornercases,
where the shown differences were clearly larger than needed. As it
turned out, this is due to a kind of specialcasing of relatively more
frequent items; cf.
The solution (or workaround) for me was to modify the SequenceMatcher
class by adding another parameter checkpopular=True which influences
the behaviour of the __chain_b function accordingly. The possible
speed issues with this optimisation turned off (checkpopular=False)
don't really matter now and the comparison results are much better for
my use cases.
However, I'd like to ask, how to best maintain this modified
functionality in the sourcecode.
I tried some possibilities, which seem to work, but I'd appreciate
suggestions on the preferred way in such cases.
- It is simply possibly to have a modified sourcefile in
the script directory.
- Furthermore one can subclass difflib.SequenceMatcher an overide its
__chain_b function (however the name doesn't look like a "public"
function ...
- I guess, it wouldn't be recommended to directly replace
difflib.SequenceMatcher._SequenceMatcher__chain_b ...
In all cases I have either a copy of the whole file or the respective
function as a part of my source.
I'd appreciate comments or suggestions on this or maybe another better
approaches to this problem.
Thanks in advance,
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