Leslie Lamport is a Jew - His book is NOTORIOUSLY uninsightful and obfuscatory
nanothermite911fbibustards at gmail.com
Sat Jun 26 22:36:45 EDT 2010
On Jun 24, 2:17 am, "Christian Stapfer" <nob... at nowhere.nil> wrote:
> "David Kastrup" <d... at gnu.org> schrieb im Newsbeitragnews:87eifw50cd.fsf at lola.goethe.zz...
> > small Pox <smallpox... at gmail.com> writes:
> >> Leslie Lamport is a Jew - His book is NOTORIOUSLY
> >> uninsightful&obfuscatory (nothing on the design of LaTeX and macros,
> >> no insights)
> >> but he made millions from his book as you can tell from the number of
> >> copies sold, ie even if he got a dollar from a copy, he made millions.
> >> Stephen Wolfram is also a jew. I wonder how his Univ of Phd studies
> >> let him get away with the copyright to the work he did as a Phd
> >> student.
> > With this posting you highlight two obviously highly intelligent people
> > whom you identify as jews (I have no idea whether this would be
> > accurate, but that's not really relevant) and one hate-mongering bigoted
> > complete moron (namely yourself) who you implicitly identify as a
> > non-jew.
> > It appears to me that you are doing a spectacularly bad job at whatever
> > point you are trying to make.
> Not necessarily: As Nietzsche observed, there is hardly a more malicious
> way of undermining a position that one is actually opposed to than
> to defend it with SILLY arguments.
> Since we do not know what the OP wanted to achieve with his post,
> we are unable to decide whether he did achieve his goal or not.
The following table of contents is not untypical.
The jew tortured me for 2 hrs playing loud guitar while I needed rest.
Table of Contents:
1. Einstein Discovers His Racist Calling
1.1 Introduction
1.2 The Manufacture and Sale of St. Einstein
1.2.1 Promoting the "Cult" of Einstein
1.2.2 The "Jewish Press" Sanctifies a Fellow Jew
1.3 In a Racist Era
2. The Destructive Impact of Racist Jewish Tribalism
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Do Not Blaspheme the "Jewish Saint"
2.3 Harvard University Asks a Forbidden Question
2.4 Americans React to the Invasion of Eastern European Jews
2.4.1 Jewish Disloyalty
2.4.2 In Answer to the "Jewish Question"
3. Rothschild, Rex Ivdaeorvm
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Jewish Messianic Supremacism
3.3 The "Eastern Question" and the World Wars
3.3.1 Donmeh Crypto-Jews, The Turkish Empire and Palestine
3.3.2 The World Wars—A Jewish Antidote to Jewish
3.4 Rothschild Warmongering
3.4.1 Inter-Jewish Racism Rothschild Power and Influence Leads to
Unbearable Jewish Arrogance Jewish Intolerance and Mass Murder of
3.4.2 The Messiah Myth
3.5 Jewish Dogmatism and Control of the Press Stifles Debate
3.5.1 Advertising Einstein in the English Speaking World
3.5.2 Reaction to the Unprecedented Einstein Promotion
3.5.3 The Berlin Philharmonic—The Response in Germany
3.5.4 Jewish Hypocrisy and Double Standards
3.6 The Messiah Rothschilds' War on the Gentiles—and the Jews
4. Einstein the Racist Coward
4.1 Introduction
4.2 The Power of Jewish Tribalism Inhibits the Progress of
Science and Deliberately Promotes "Racial" Discord
4.3 A Jew is Not Allowed to Speak Out Against a Jew
4.4 The Bad Nauheim Debate
4.4.1 Einstein Desires a "Race" War Which Will Exterminate
the European Esau
4.4.2 Genocidal Judaism—Pruning the Branches of the Human
Family Tree
4.4.3 Crypto-Jews
4.4.4 The Gentiles Must be Exterminated Lest God Cut Off
the Jews
4.4.5 Jewish Dualism and Human Sacrifice—Evil is Good
4.4.6 Gentiles are Destined to Slave for the Jews, Then
the Slaves Will be Exterminated
4.4.7 Lenard Sickens of Einstein's Libels
4.4.8 Let the Debate Begin Einstein Disappoints—"Albertus Maximus" is a
Laughingstock Contemporary Accounts of the Bad Nauheim
4.5 Einstein the Genocidal Racist
4.6 Racist Jewish Hypocrisy, Intimidation and Censorship
4.7 Einstein's Trip to America
4.7.1 Einstein Faces Criticism in America Einstein Hides from Reuterdahl's Challenge
to Debate Cowardly Einstein Caught in a Lie Reuterdahl Pursues Einstein, Who Continues
to Run
4.7.2 Einstein All Hype
4.8 Assassination Plots
4.9 Wolff Crying, Dirty Tricks, Censorship, Smear Campaigns and
Anonymous Threats in the Name of Einstein
5. The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion
5.1 Introduction
5.2 The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion
5.3 Did Anyone Believe that the Protocols were Genuine?
5.3.1 Human Sacrifice and the Plan to Discredit Gentile
5.3.2 The World Awakens to the "Jewish Peril"
5.3.3 America Becomes the "New Jerusalem"
5.3.4 "The Jewish Peril"
5.3.5 The Inhumanity of the Bolsheviks
5.4 International Zionist and Communist Intimidation
5.4.1 Suppression of Free Speech
5.4.2 Jewish Terrorism
5.5 Attempts to Prove the Protocols Inauthentic
5.5.1 Why Did Henry Ford Criticize the Jews?
5.5.2 Controlled Opposition and "The Trust"
5.5.3 The Sinking of the "Peace Ship"
5.5.4 Ford Comes Under Attack—The War Against Pacificism
5.5.5 Zionists Proscribe Free Speech
5.5.6 President Woodrow Wilson Becomes a Zionist Dictator
5.6 Why Did the Zionists Trouble the Jews?
5.6.1 The Zionist Myth of the Extinction of the "Jewish
Race" Through Philo-Semitism and Assimilation
5.6.2 The Zionists Set the Stage for the Second World
War. . . and the Third
5.7 Henry Ford for President
5.8 The "Jewish Mission"
5.9 Jewish Bankers Destroy Russia and Finance Adolf Hitler
5.10 The Holocaust as a Zionist Eugenics Program for the Jewish
"Remnant": Zionist Nazis Use Natural and Artificial Selection to
Strengthen the Genetic Stock of Jews Destined for Forced Deportation
to Palestine
5.11 Zionist Lies
5.12 Zionists Declare that Anti-Semitism is the Salvation of the
"Jewish Race"
5.13 Communist Jews in America
5.14 The Attempted Assassination of Henry Ford
5.15 How the Zionists Blackmailed President Wilson
5.15.1 Before the War, the Zionists Plan a Peace
Conference After the War—to be Led by a Zionist Like Woodrow Wilson
5.15.2 "Colonel" Edward Mandell House
5.15.3 The Balfour Declaration—QUID PRO QUO
5.16 A Newspaper History of Zionist Intrigues During the First
World War, which Proves that Jewish Bankers Betrayed Germany
5.17 The Germans' Side of the First World War
6. Zionism is Racism
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Political Zionism is a Form of Racism
6.3 Most Jews Opposed Zionism
6.4 The Brotherhood of Anti-Semites and Zionists
6.5 Albert Einstein Becomes a Cheerleader for Racist Zionism
6.5.1 While Zionists and Sycophants Hailed Einstein, Most
Scientists Rejected Him and "His" Theories
6.5.2 Hypocritical and Cowardly Einstein Plays the "Race
Card" and Cripples Scientific Progress
6.5.3 What is Good for Goose is not Good for the Goyim Supremacist and Segregationist Jewish "Neo-
Messianism" It is Alright for Jews to Claim that
"Einstein's Theories" are "Jewish", but Goyim Dare Not Say It
7. Nazism is Zionism
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Blut und Boden—A Jewish Ideal
7.3 Zionism is Built on Lies and Hatred
7.4 The Hypocritical Vilification of Caligula—Ancient Jewish
Historians are not Credible
7.5 All the Best Zionists are Anti-Semites
7.5.1 Nazism is a Stalking Horse for Zionism and Communism
7.5.2 Hitler and Goebbels Reveal Their True Motives at
War's End
7.5.3 Zionists and Communists Delight in Massive Human
Sacrifices to the Jewish Messianic Cause
7.5.4 Einstein Lulls Jews into Complacency—The Zionist
Trap Depressions Make for Fertile Ground for Anti-
Semitic Zionist Dictators Einstein a Subtle Hitler Apologist
7.5.5 Einstein's Seething Racist Hatred and Rabid
7.5.6 The Final Solution of the Jewish Question is
Zionism, but the Final Solution of the German Question is
7.6 The Carrot and the Stick
7.7 British Zionists, in Collaboration with Nazi Zionists, in
Collaboration with Palestinian Zionists, Ensured that the Jews of
Continental Europe Would Find No Sanctuary Before the War Ended
7.8 Documented Collaboration Between the Palestinian Zionists
and the Zionist Nazis
8. How the Jews Made the British into Zionists
8.1 Introduction
8.2 The Rothschilds and Disraeli Lead the British Down the
Garden Path to Palestine
8.3 Jews Provoke Perpetual War
8.4 Jewish World Government—A Prophetic Desire
8.5 Puritans and Protestants Serve Jewish Interests
8.6 The Planned Apocalypse
8.7 Cabalistic Jews Calling Themselves Christian Condition the
British to Assist in Their Own Demise—Rothschild Makes an Open Bid to
Become the Messiah
8.7.1 The "British-Israel" Deceit
8.7.2 For Centuries, England is Flooded with Warmongering
Zionist Propaganda
8.7.3 As a Good Cabalist Jew, David Hartley Conditions
Christians to Welcome Martyrdom for the Sake of the Jews Jewish Revolutionaries and Napoleon the
Messiah Emancipate the Jews Hitler Accomplishes for the Zionists What
Napoleon Could Not Zionists Develop a Strategy Which Culminates
in the Nazis and the Holocaust as Means to Attain the "Jewish State"
9. The Priority Myth
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Opinions of Einstein and "His" Work
9.3 The Aether
9.4 The So-Called "Lorentz Transformation"
9.4.1 Woldemar Voigt's Space-Time Transformation
9.4.2 Length Contraction Dynamic Length Contraction Kinematic Length Contraction
9.4.3 Time Dilatation
9.4.4 The Final Form of the Transformation
9.4.5 Einstein's Fudge
9.4.6 Einstein Begged the Question
9.5 The "Two Postulates"
9.5.1 The "Principle of Relativity"
9.5.2 The "Light Postulate"
9.6 Relative Simultaneity
9.6.1 Isotropic Light Speed
9.6.2 The "Aarau Question"
9.6.3 Light Signals and Clock Synchronization
9.7 Conclusion
10. "Space-Time" or is it "Time-Space"?
10.1 Introduction
10.2 The Ancients and "Space-Time"
10.3 Einstein and "Space-Time"
11. Hilbert's Proofs Prove Hilbert's Priority
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Corry, Renn and Stachel's Baseless Historical Revisionism
11.3 Historical Background and the Correspondence
11.4 Hilbert's Proofs Prove Hilbert's Priority
11.5 A Question of Character
11.6 A Question of Ability
11.7 Conclusion
12. Gerber's Formula
12.1 Introduction
12.2 How Fast Does Gravity Go?
12.3 Gerber's Formula was Well-Known
12.4 Einstein's Fudge
12.5 Who Was Paul Gerber?
12.6 Conclusion
13. Soldner's Prediction
13.1 Introduction
13.2 Soldner's Hypothesis and Solution
13.3 Einstein Knew the Newtonian Prediction
13.4 Soldner's Formulation
13.5 Conclusion
14. The Principle of Equivalence, Etc.
14.1 Introduction
14.2 Eotvos' Experimental Fact and Planck's Proposition
14.3 Kinertia's Elevator is Einstein's Happiest Thought
14.4 Dynamism
14.5 Mach's Principle
14.6 The Rubber Sheet Analogy
14.7 Reference Frames and Covariance
14.8 Conclusion
15. "Theory of Relativity" or "Pseudorelativism"?
15.1 Introduction
15.2 The "Theory of Relativity" is an Absolutist Theory
16. E = MC 2
16.1 Introduction
16.2 The "Quantity of Motion"—Momentum, Vis Viva and Kinetic
16.3 The Atom as a Source of Energy and Explosive Force
16.4 The Inertia of Energy
16.5 The Einsteins' Energy Fudge
16.6 Hero Worship
16.7 Conclusion
17. Einstein's Modus Operandi
17.1 Introduction
17.2 "Mach's" Principle of Logical Economy
17.3 Einstein's Fallacies of Petitio Principii
17.4 Conclusion
18. Mileva Einstein-Marity
18.1 Introduction
18.2 Witness Accounts and the Evidence
18.3 Prophets of the Prize
18.4 Conclusion
19. Albert Einstein's Nobel Prize
19.1 Introduction
19.2 The Nobel Foundation Directorate Learns that Einstein is a
19.3 "The Thomson-Einstein Theory" Makes a Convenient Excuse
19.4 The Origins of the Law of the Photo-Electric Effect
19.5 Einstein's Nobel Prize was Undeserved
19.6 Einstein Breaks the Rules
19.7 Conclusion
Hey Racist and INcompetent FBI Bustards, where is the ANTHRAX Mailer ?
Where are the 4 blackboxes ? Where are the Pentagon Videos ? Why did
you release the 5 dancing Israelis compromising the whole 911
investigation ? If the Dubai Police can catch Mossad Murderers and put
the videos and Iranian Police can why cant you put the Pentagon
Videos ? If Iran police can put the AMERICAN TERRORIST, Riggi and
puting on INTERNATIONAL MEDIA a day after catching him without
TORTURE, why cant you put the INNOCENT patsies on the MEDIA. Why did
you have to LIE about Dr Afiya Siddiqui and torture that Innocent
little mother of 3 and smashing the skull of her one child ?
There are CRIMINAL cases against CIA CRIMINAL Bustards in Italian
FBI bustards paid a penalty of $5.8 million to Steven Hatfill, but
only because he was a white. They got away with MURDER of thousands of
Non-whites in all parts of the world.
Daily 911 news : http://911blogger.com
Conclusion : FBI bustards are RACIST and INcompetent. They could
neither catch the ANTHRAX or 911 YANK/Jew criminals nor could they
cover them up - whichever was their actual goal or task.
SLASH the SALARIES of FBI/CIA/NSA etc BUSTARDS into half all across
tbe board, esp the whites/jew on the top.
FBI Bustards failed to Catch BERNARD MADOFF even after that RACIST and
FBI bustards failed to prevent ROMAN POLANSKY from absconding to
europe and rapes.
FBI bustards failed to prevent OKLAHOMA
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