A link to a collection of tutorials on LISP.
nanothermite911fbibustards at gmail.com
Sun Jun 27 17:12:56 EDT 2010
On Jun 27, 1:30 pm, nanothermite911fbibustards
<nanothermite911fbibusta... at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Jun 27, 6:36 am, sneha DL <sneha.candlesl... at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Collection of Tutorials on lisp.
> > Tutorials:http://www.dataminingtools.net/browsetutorials.php?tag=lisp
> Absolutely Terrible format !!!
> Slides embedded in the DAMN FLASH !!!!!!!!!!
> A single bound pdf document of all the tutorial slides in one SINGLE
> pdf with bookmarks and plain white background would be of some worth
> but this is TOTAL SHaT.
> Keep it to your self and smear on your own face !!! No one has time to
> waste on it !!!
On Jun 27, 1:33 pm, Peter Keller <psil... at cs.wisc.edu> wrote:
> nanothermite911fbibustards <nanothermite911fbibusta... at gmail.com> wrote:
> > A single bound pdf document of all the tutorial slides in one SINGLE
> > pdf with bookmarks and plain white background would be of some worth
> > but this is TOTAL SHaT.
> Curious. You emit the worst kind of vitriolic hate that literally drives
> genocides and then you edit yourself when writing the word 'SHIT'?
> That's kinda of awesome.
> -pete
That guys intention is not to spread tutorial, but its a commercial. I
clarified its true nature.
On the genocide, the thing that drives it is the lies and deception -
of people like the FBI bustards - as well as the events that took
place on the Turkish FLOTILLA.
Your ilk has special skill in turning white into black and vice-versa.
Its not for nothing that someone wrote a 2800 page ebook with 1000
references and put it free on the internet - on the PLAGIARISM and
deception of your HIGH PRIEST - Albert Einstein !!!
Also visit www.nkusa.org and look at them who they explain your
history of DECEPTION.
Outrageous events require ACCURATE description and my language is
PERFECTLY suited for that.
I have direct experience with jews who lie under oath in court and
practice regular deception.
> ========
> The FAT per DIEM FBI bustards use our TAX PAYER MONEY and INCOMPETENCE
> =====
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lX18zUp6WPY
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XQapkVCx1HI
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tXJ-k-iOg0M
> Hey Racist and INcompetent FBI Bustards, where is the ANTHRAX Mailer ?
> Where are the 4 blackboxes ? Where are the Pentagon Videos ? Why did
> you release the 5 dancing Israelis compromising the whole 911
> investigation ? If the Dubai Police can catch Mossad Murderers and put
> the videos and Iranian Police can why cant you put the Pentagon
> Videos ? If Iran police can put the AMERICAN TERRORIST, Riggi and
> puting on INTERNATIONAL MEDIA a day after catching him without
> TORTURE, why cant you put the INNOCENT patsies on the MEDIA. Why did
> you have to LIE about Dr Afiya Siddiqui and torture that Innocent
> little mother of 3 and smashing the skull of her one child ?
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DhMcii8smxkhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0SZ2lxDJmdg
> There are CRIMINAL cases against CIA CRIMINAL Bustards in Italian
> courts.
> FBI bustards paid a penalty of $5.8 million to Steven Hatfill, but
> only because he was a white. They got away with MURDER of thousands of
> Non-whites in all parts of the world.
> Daily 911 news :http://911blogger.com
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tRfhUezbKLw
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7kGZ3XPEm4
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lX18zUp6WPY
> Conclusion : FBI bustards are RACIST and INcompetent. They could
> neither catch the ANTHRAX or 911 YANK/Jew criminals nor could they
> cover them up - whichever was their actual goal or task.
> SLASH the SALARIES of FBI/CIA/NSA etc BUSTARDS into half all across
> tbe board, esp the whites/jew on the top.
> FBI Bustards failed to Catch BERNARD MADOFF even after that RACIST and
> FBI bustards failed to prevent ROMAN POLANSKY from absconding to
> europe and rapes.
> FBI bustards failed to prevent OKLAHOMA
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