Why Python3
Terry Reedy
tjreedy at udel.edu
Sun Jun 27 20:12:10 EDT 2010
Some people appear to not understand the purpose of Python3 or more
specifically, of the changes that break Python2 code. I attempt here to
give a relatively full explanation.
SUMMARY: Python3 completes (or makes progress in) several transitions
begun in Python2.
In particular, Python3 bunches together several feature removals (which
always break someone's code) and a few feature changes (which also break
code). The alternative would have been to make the same changes, a few
at a time, over several releases, starting with about 2.5.
Another alternative would have been to declare 2.0 or 2.1 complete at
far as it went and forbid adding new features that duplicate and
supersede existing features.
Another would have been to add but never remove anthing, with the
consequence that Python would become increasingly difficult to learn and
the interpreter increasingly difficult to maintain with volunteers. I
think 2.7 is far enough in that direction.
1. Integer division
In Python1, arithmetic expressions are mostly generic (polymophic) in
that they have the same meaning for all builtin number types. The
glaring exception is division, which has a special meaning for pairs of
integers. Newbies were constantly surprised that 1/2 equals 0.
Guido proposed to fix the situation with a second division operator
'//', with a standard warning/deprecation/removal process for the old
behavior over three releases, perhaps ending with 2.5. In response to
complaints about having to find and examine every use of '/', Guido
promised that there would be a helper program. I proposed that the
version that had only the new behavior, without 'from __future__ import
division', be named 3.0 to signal the change.
Guido obviously decide to make a lot more changes in a 3.0 release. And
the helper program was expanded to the current 2to3. In any case,
Python3 finished the integer division transition.
2. User classes
In Python1, user classes, defined with a class statement, are instances
of a class type and are otherwise separate from and cannot inherit from
builtin types. Instances of user classes are actually instances of an
instance type, not of the user class.
Python2.2 introduced a unified class-type system. Instead of 'from
__future__ import newclass', the new system was invoked by defining
__metaclass__ or inheriting from a future class. Python3 finished this
transition by dropping ClassType and InstanceType and making the
built-in class 'object' the default baseclass for all user classes.
3. User-defined exceptions
In Python1, user usually defined exceptions by using strings as
exceptions, with the caveat that it was the identity and not the value
of the string that defined the exception. The ability to subclass
built-in exceptions made this obsolete. String exceptions were
discouraged in 2.5 and removed in 3.0, completing another transition.
Now all exceptions are instances of subclasses of BaseException.
4. Function application
Suppose one has a function f, object sequence args, and name-object
mapping kwds, and one wants to call f with the *contents* of args and
kwds as arguments. Calling f(args,kwds) does not do that as it would
pass the collections themselves as a pair of arguments. In Python1, one
called apply(f, args, kwds). Python2 introduced the synonym syntac
f(*args,**kwds) and deprecated 'apply' by 2.5. Python3 removed apply,
completing the transition.
5. Date interchange
In Python1, lists are the primary data interchange type used by built-in
functions such as filter, map, and range. Python2.2 introduced a new
iterator/iterable protocal, the iterator class 'generator', and
generator functions. One advantage is that iterables and iterators can
compactly represent virtual sequences of indefinite length. Another is
that non-sequence collections, like sets and dicts, used be made
iterable. Python2.3 introduced iterator versions of filter map, and zip
in the itertools module. It also defined the new built-in function
enumerate as returning an iterator rather than a list, as would have
been the case if introduced much earlier. 2.4 introduce 'reversed' as
returning an iterator. (The new in 2.4 'sorted' returns a list because
it has to contruct one anyway.)
Pyhon3 moved much closer to replacing lists with iterators as the
primary data interchange format. Ifilter, imap, and izip replaced
filter, map, and zip. Xrange, which preceded 2.2, replaced range.
Getting lists, as previously, is easy with 'list()'. The transition is
not complete (and may never be), as slicing still returns a subsequence
rather than an iterator, so itertools still has islice.
6. Integers
Python1 had two separate integer types, int and long. I believe that
integer operations overflowed if the answer was too large. At some
point, the two types were partially unified in that ints were converted
to long when necessary to avoid overflow. At this point, having two
types, with 'L' appended or not on output, became something of a
nuisance. Python3 finishes int-long unification.
7. Order comparisonS
In early Python1, I believe all objects could be (arbitrarily) compared
and sorted. When Guido added the complex type, he decided not to add an
arbitrary order, as he thought that could mask bugs. I believe other
classes were added later that only allowed comparisons between their own
instances. Python3 completed the transition from comparable by default
to incomparable by default.
More controversially, it also completed a transition from __cmp__ to the
full comparison set. Similarly, list.sort dropped the 'cmp' parameter
after gaining the 'key' parameter.
8. Text
Python1 had a byte string type that doubled as a text string type. (Some
would put this the other way.) Python2 introduced a second text type,
unicode, but kept using bytes as the default, as in its namespace dicts.
Python3 replaced bytes with unicode, including in its namespaces,
thereby making Python3 a more univeresally useful language. It kept
bytes both for generic binary data use and for specialized encoded text
use. This part of the transition is not complete, especially for some of
the internet interfacing libraries.
I think that covers the main transitions in core Python.
Terry Jan Reedy
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