Python Forum
Bruno Desthuilliers
bruno.42.desthuilliers at websiteburo.invalid
Wed Jun 2 04:44:28 EDT 2010
pyDev a écrit :
> Hello,
> I would like to let the community know that there is a new web-based
> forum for Python enthusiasts over at (http://
YetAnotherUselessWebForum :(
> Web-based forums is a preferred method by Python
> newcomers to get help
Oh yeah ? Chapter and verse, please ?
Do the world a favour : replace your whole forum with a static page
explaining how to join the "official" MLs and/or
> in exploring the world of Python and programming
> overall. The main goal of is to popularize Python by
> welcoming all newcomers.
Newcomers have always been welcomed here. And yet another forum *where
the helpful experts won't post nor correct wrong posts* is certainly not
the best way to "popularize" Python.
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