Python Forum
Pierre Quentel
quentel.pierre at
Thu Jun 3 06:16:03 EDT 2010
On 3 juin, 10:57, Ben Finney <ben+pyt... at> wrote:
> News123 <news1... at> writes:
> > However, whether we like it or not:
> > Fewer and fewer newcomers are willing, knowledgable, aware of nntp
> If so, isn't that an indication that better education about the benefits
> is required? Perhaps in combination with improving the tool support for
> the NNTP protocol?
> > If you think, that newbies are unlikely to use nntp, then create a
> > forum, web front end or whatever, which looks very nice and cool,
> > which will automatically relay messages (forward and backward) to this
> > group.
> > In my opinion new forums should integrate nntp and not try to replace
> > it.
> For this purpose, Papercut may be useful:
> Open source news server written in Python. Its main objective is to
> integrate existing web based message board software, like Phorum
> which is supported, with a Usenet front-end.
> <URL:>
> --
> \ “To stay young requires unceasing cultivation of the ability to |
> `\ unlearn old falsehoods.” —Robert Anson Heinlein |
> _o__) |
> Ben Finney
Hi all,
I agree that it's not efficient to split the community by creating
another forum. But we can't ignore the fact that c.l.p's activity has
been decreasing in the last years :
2000 42971
2001 55265
2002 56774
2003 64521
2004 55929
2005 58864
2006 59664
2007 49105
2008 48722
2009 44111
which certainly doesn't match the popularity of the language itself
So the OP's initiative should be an incentive to think on the format
of the interaction between all the range of Python users, from newbees
to gurus. We are in the 2.0 era, with social networks all over the
place using a pleasant interface, while c.l.p has a rather austere
look and feel, with text only, no way to present code snippets in a
different font / background than discussions, and even an unintuitive
way of entering links...
I'm not saying that is the best solution but it
certainly looks more attractive than c.l.p. to the new generation of
Python users
- Pierre
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