Plotting in batch with no display
Emile van Sebille
emile at
Fri Jun 4 17:13:38 EDT 2010
On 6/4/2010 1:01 PM Hans Georg Schaathun said...
> Admittedly not the strongest reason, but yet an important one,
> for switching from Matlab to python/numpy/scipy/matplotlib,
> is that Matlab is very cumbersome to run in batch.
> Now I discover that some of the matplotlib.pyplot functions
> (incl. plot and contour) insist on opening an X11 window
> (just like Matlab does).
I found the same to be true when running OpenOffice in batch mode.
Ultimately, the following was key to getting things going:
at the shell:
/usr/bin/vncserver :1
then from within python:
cmd='''cd /usr/ftp/CSV && DISPLAY=%s \
/usr/bin/soffice -norecover -nologo -nodefault \
"macro:///Standard.Module1.csvToXLS(%s)"''' \
% (XDISPLAY,csvfile)
dummy = commands.getoutput(cmd)
Then, if it doesn't run to conclusion, you can vnc to :1 and see where
it's stalled out.
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